Fallen off the wagon

Hi Guys,

I am back once again!!!! I fell of the wagon by falling back into bad eating habits and now I feel all depressed & angry with myself..

I know I only have myself to blame but I need motivation how do you all keep up your motivation!!!!!


  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    I keep myself motivated by making small daily goals for myself and also allowing myself to have some treats now and then. I also reward myself when I lose weight or stick to my goals- such as a getting a new clothing item or treating myself to a massage or a day at the spa.
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    I keep motivated in a lot of ways (although it's hard)!

    - my friends on MFP
    - old photos of myself
    - thinking about how good it feels to be thinner and feel good about myself
    - making small goals and rewarding myself for reaching them
    - allowing myself to mess up sometimes and have treats or days off exercise
    - making myself fun foods that I love that are still good to eat (variety is important)
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Hello, welcome back. I don't know how to keep motivated. I come here few times a day just to remind myself. Has been working 98% of time so far, but like I said, it's only a week. Good luck. I'm sure someone will have some better ideas about how to stay motivated. :smile:
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    My biggest source of motivation is logging in here everyday and hearing all the support from my MFP friends. Also looking in the mirror and seeing the size of my clothes helps too :-)
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    My daughter...everyday I see her think about all the special days and grand kids that will be around for....:wink:
  • Cheilsea
    Cheilsea Posts: 84 Member
    I've fallen off too but I'm getting back on NOW! The things that motivated me to get back into my routine are 1. My faith 2. My husband 3. The sermon in church today 4. Standing in front of the mirror naked and jumping up and down..that shows all your flaws. It's silly but works for me.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I was going to say, I've just had to decide I'm a priority in my life as well as my family. But this will work too. Lmao. Woah.

    4. Standing in front of the mirror naked and jumping up and down..that shows all your flaws. It's silly but works for me.
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    I think motivation is a hard one for anyone.

    Here are somethings I do -

    (1) I have MFP as my homepage so I am reminded everytime I turn on the computer. Whether I actually do anything about it or not, I'm reminded that I need to do it.

    (2) I have a great support system. I have friends that help keep me on track.

    (3) Whether I track my food or not, I at least weigh in every week. When I see that weight creep back on then I usually kick my butt in gear a little more quickly than I would otherwise.

    I'm glad you are back and trying again. Maybe this time it will be successful.

    You are definately in the right place and headed in the right direction.
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    It happens. . .to all of us if we are honest. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again. Don't beat yourself up for being human! One day at a time. . .one pound at a time!! You can do it!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I joined this site because I too was struggling with motivation. Something that someone suggested is looking for a Non Scale Victory. Somedays my Non Scale Victory is just getting on the computer to look for motivation before I start my day. Reading these message boards has hleped me a lot. Good Luck!
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    I know how you feel, I just blew out from wednesday and on saturday when I weighed myself, I was devastated as I gained 8lbs. But what can you do?


    Move forward. That's all you can do, if it wasn't for this site though, I don't think that would have been possible for me.
  • Lisagonz
    Lisagonz Posts: 11 Member
    This is going to sound so wierd ladies. in the bathroom a picture that you hate the most of yourself helps keep me centered. Fall off and immediately back on.... :0 Yep those thighs must shrink!!!!