Week 9 Weigh In

Well this week was really tough very busy with work and stressed too only managed to get to the gyn three times and then was not able to do usual hour, so was worried about weigh in. :yawn: Well stayed the same that was lucky as felt tired and didnt eat properly tended when short of time and motivation to pick the naughty but nice things:sad: This week is a huge week as I need to get back on track Ive given myself a talking too so must be good.:wink:


  • AngelSharum
    AngelSharum Posts: 74 Member
    Staying the same is better than gaining any day! Congrats on making the best of a bad situation. Good luck with the coming week.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Hang in there, you actually did great. No one is going to lose every single week.