doing a 6k in jan

I am not new to running.
My friends want me to do a 6k with them and we picked the Xterra Bony Mountain Trail Run. I've hiked this trail before and part of it is a very steep incline. I can run a 5k fine with a small incline change but how do I train for the huge incline.


  • sblowes
    sblowes Posts: 66 Member
    I'd say do a couch to 5k program on a treadmill, and instead of doing the walk/run intervals, do flat/inclines interval instead. (eg Day 1: 6-8% incline for 30 seconds, 1.5% incline for 4:30)
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    oh, i didn't even think of that!