Do people really have "cheat days"?



  • bv109
    bv109 Posts: 83
    everyday is cheat day
  • Kazzam33
    Kazzam33 Posts: 210
    I have treat meals not treat/cheat days.
    I will allocate a meal, normally one every 3 weeks, where I can eat what I want. I do however do as much exercise as I can on that day to earn the treat.
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    I fit my foods into my count for the day, there are days where I'm like "oh well, I went over", but I still count them. I'm not as paranoid about them, I don't have "Cheat days" anymore. I feel like it's more of an excuse to eat whatever, if I do the work, have the calories... then I'll eat the food.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well this topic reminded me that I hadn't actually had a cheat day in a while. So I decided on a 1100 calorie dinner. Which took my total daily calories to about 2800. Which was still within my calorie limit considering the exercise I did that day. But not by enough to account for the fact that I dropped a lb overnight.

    Bizzare huh.

    The truth : Try it and see if it works for you. All the know it all jargon other people tell you is NO substitute for trying it yourself. Every body is different. Me I react really well to cheat days if kept within reason.