Exercise Calories

I am at a stand still and I am irritated.
Last year in June I got the lap-band and I have had 3 fills. My Dr. moved and I had to find a different Dr. Did that and was having some issues we thought were band related, but were not. I have gall stones, but no gall bladder and I cannot get a fill till I have the stone/blockage removed. My starting weight before the band was 278, im now at 228.
I recently started gaining some weight (8 pounds) so I have gone back to logging EVERYTHING, and I joined a weight loss challenge.
I have a BodyMedia band I wear on my right calf (yes, I know its suppose to go on your arm but I have seen plenty of the contestants on TBL wear it on their calf, and it will not fit on my arm) and I also have a Fitbit that is worn on my right ankle.
I have my bodymedia linked to MFP so that's the exercise readings it uses.
I mainly go by steps, and I have been going to the gym the past 2 weeks and just walking on the treadmill and using the elliptical machine. In all I log about 4 miles a day.
I end up with almost my entire calories doubled. When I ''eat my exercise calories" (no, I dont eat all of them) it seems I gain weight. When I just eat my 1300 calories I don't lose any weight.
Yes I read http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10589-for-those-confused-or-questioning-eating-your-exercise-calo
and it makes sense, but I wanna know is anyone else having this issue?
Any suggestions on how to help this?
before the 8 pounds I was at a stand still (plateau) and could not get under 220 no matter how hard I tried, now I gained 8 pounds and it seems nothing is working.
I am seriously frustrated.
any suggestions are appreciated, even rude ones :)


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    based on your diary you are not logging consistently nor accurately.

    You use cups for solids not a scale

    There are days not logged, partial days, days you are over by 500calories even with the extra exercise calories eaten,

    Your burns are exceptionally high...I understand they are from your body media band but I suspect that includes all movement not just purposeful exercise. So even eating back half of those you are probably over.
  • kaurgagandeep20
    Sad to know about it
    I feel same sometime but now i am start seeing difference .
    How often you go to gym ? or how many calories basically you intake?
  • txflea
    txflea Posts: 11 Member
    I try to go every other day, but I tend to go every day. Helps me blow off steam and the past few weeks I have been easy to upset, so I have been going quite a bit.

    I shoot for 1300 calories a day. And I do not upload my BMF until the end of the night after I have finished eating for the day.
    I have started avoiding bread, rice, potatoes, well pretty much any starchy carb. I just feel better if I am not eating them. Not to say that I wont have a slice of bread, or a small piece of cornbread, but if I do its a once a week thing.

    I am not perfect by no means, but I have in the last week been able to lose 4 of the 8 pounds that I managed to put on by not caring what I was eating.