Changing time zones, will this affect my data?

I'm moving cross country to Pacific time this week and right now I am on eastern time. I wanted to know if it was gonna wreck all my data is I change time zones, mainly my net calories cause the days will be two hours behind me. Will, also, my TDEE be different or something? Like if I eat my TDEE every day, would my changing time zones cause myfitnesspal to think I have my maintenance calories still left over, per say, if I actually didn't and I ate within those two hours difference?

So confused


  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    I don't get the problem.

    Surely you can just take the average of the 2 dates where the time zone changed - or pre log that day or log yesterday's food when it is still today.

    And of course your TDEE won't change - not even sure if that is a serious question
  • IdcShrimp
    IdcShrimp Posts: 71
    I don't get the problem.

    Surely you can just take the average of the 2 dates where the time zone changed - or pre log that day or log yesterday's food when it is still today.

    And of course your TDEE won't change - not even sure if that is a serious question

    what do you mean by take the average of the two dates? i just mean since Ill have actually experienced 2 hours more the day i fly than the app will think I have, whether or not it will adjust or something...should i change it to pacific before i go or after I arrive?
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    You're overthinking it.
  • IdcShrimp
    IdcShrimp Posts: 71
    You're overthinking it.

    ok thanks
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Two hours is not going to make or break you.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    I don't get the problem.

    Surely you can just take the average of the 2 dates where the time zone changed - or pre log that day or log yesterday's food when it is still today.

    And of course your TDEE won't change - not even sure if that is a serious question

    what do you mean by take the average of the two dates? i just mean since Ill have actually experienced 2 hours more the day i fly than the app will think I have, whether or not it will adjust or something...should i change it to pacific before i go or after I arrive?

    I meant it doesn't matter which day you put the food into, you are not really getting 2 more hours to eat in, the time zone is just changing.
    And it doesn't matter whether the app thinks you have eaten, say, 1200 calories one day and 1600 the next ( if you ate in the 2 hours of time zone changeover) it averages out to 1400 just the same.

    Maybe I am not understanding the question because I still don't really get the problem.

    When I changed time zones ( admittedly only half hour difference, not 2 hours) I just did nothing.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    back when I went to Scotland in October I wasn't using myfitnesspal, but I had been logging my food in a journal and I wondered something similar. I jumping ahead by 9 hours and wasn't sure if I should be writing down what I ate for the day my body was on (the 3rd) or the day I showed up in (the 4th). in the end I just didn't bother logging it at all. it's not like I have any idea what's in those bizarre prepackaged airplane meals anyway.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    At 86 lb you probably just need to focus on eating as much as possible