What/when do you eat before running?

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
The last two times I've really tried to run, my stomach was just killing me after a while. The first time was just after dinner, which was a bad idea... I did some walking/running intervals but had to stick to walking after 30 minutes because I had stomach pains. Today was 1.5 hour after breakfast, and I had a frozen waffle and some Greek yogurt, and I had to stop after 25 minutes because my stomach was really getting upset, and now an hour later it's still not great.

What am I missing? The first time I ran for 45 minutes, it had been 3 hours since I had a meal but I had two rolls just before and it was fine. It's just pretty annoying to have to stop running because of my stomach, of all things.


  • kashflyer
    kashflyer Posts: 1 Member
    Try something lighter. When I run first thing in the morning I will eat a small container of unsweetened applesauce no less than a half hour before I go out. It gives your body the sugar it needs but won't weigh you down. I've also done a Luna bar but given my stomach an hour to digest.Try to steer away from the dairy before a run. If I go out before dinner I take a Gu gel packet. Check out runnersworld.com, they have some good tips on fueling for runs.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    So when I was young I used to run all the time and my favorite runs were always first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I've never been a morning person except when I was running in the mornings. I skipped the coffee and mostly just rolled out of bed and put my shoes on before heading out the door.

    Kind of empowering to start the day without anything but some fresh air and exercise.

    There's never been a time where eating anything has really sat particularly well when I was running but if I had to have some calories before I went out it would like be fruits or juices or fruit juices...
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Sometimes it could have been what you ate.

    Personally I usually dont have anything for hours prior. The only time I will make sur eI have something is for races and that will be 2.5-3 hours prior and just a PB sandwich with honey.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    When I run in the morning I usually eat a banana and a spoonful of peanut butter. If I'm running after work, I'll just go running immediately after I get home so I haven't eaten for 2ish hours. I might grab a spoonful of peanut butter if I'm hungry. If I'm on travel and I'm running on a hotel treadmill after dinner, I usually try to eat something light-ish at dinner and run about an hour after we get back to the hotel.
  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    Black coffee.

    I run in the mornings.

    If I run in the afternoons/evenings, I usually make sure not to eat anything for 3-4 hours before.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Thanks. Man, what a pain. Maybe I'll go to the gym at 10am from now on... Should give me a good 2-3 hours without food.
  • Coconutgirl78
    Coconutgirl78 Posts: 12 Member
    I usually have black coffee and 1/4 cup of Bear Naked Granola in the morning. It seems to do the trick of keeping me full and having energy! It has 140 calories and 10 grams of protein :)
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    Black coffee is a must (for me). Depending on how I feel when I wake up, I usually have one of these three (20-30 minutes before running):

    - Gu packet (the usual)
    - A medium or large banana
    - Half or whole bagel with PB or honey

    I have to have something on my stomach before I run or I will start getting light-headed/dizzy before re-fueling at the 5th mile. I personally avoid dairy products before running -- my body does not agree with them.

    Good luck OP!
  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    I powerewalk jog an hour and a half to two hours after dinner, I work full time so I don't have many options, but I do notice if it's a minute before an hour and a half I get an upset stomach and have to run to the bathroom! (sorry for the TMI). Sometimes it happens after my dinner was fatty or larger than usual. It sucks but like I said, I don't have many options. I'm not waking up earlier than I do, and on my lunch break I walk for 15 min if it's nice out.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    I think 2-4 hours pending on what you ate before the run. I've ran right after eating heavy and got a lot of gas or stiches. If I need to eat before a run, I grab a granola bar.
  • I tend to run straight after work, so 5-5:30ish. I tend to have a light lunch (usually soup) at 1pm, and then have a banana as soon as I get in from work at 5, before changing and heading straight out.

    When I've done long runs in the past - 10+ miles - they were typically on a Sunday morning, and I'd eat a banana sandwich for breakfast (1 banana, 1 slice of lightly buttered bread, maybe a drizzle of honey) about 45mins before heading out the door.

    Anything other than a banana within the 2 hours before I run is not going to end well for me.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I run about an hour and a half after dinner. I feel more energized after a meal.
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    Sometimes it could have been what you ate.

    Personally I usually dont have anything for hours prior. The only time I will make sur eI have something is for races and that will be 2.5-3 hours prior and just a PB sandwich with honey.


    Sometimes I have one frozen waffle with honey and PB... I try it eat it at least one hour before running. You need to try and see what works for you... I've tried everything from protein shakes (horrible), yogurt (not good), to proper meals and for me, my happy place starts with my waffle.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    In summer I'm out the door at dawn to beat the heat, and nothing but water before I head out. My runs are typically 3-5 miles, and I can run that distance no problem on an empty stomach.

    In winter I run later, and found that I need a good three hours between a meal and starting a run or I feel terrible. I've found I can eat my regular "run day" breakfast of oatmeal with yogurt, fruit, nuts and honey if I've got that three hours. If it's a bit less time, I might have a slice of toast with peanut butter and a bit of banana, but not much. And coffee. :smile: