how low is too low?

hola MFP friends!! i'm new here and already seeing what a positive, supportive, motivating group this is. soooo excited to be a part of it: ) i have a question, though. many websites say that you shouldn't eat less that 1200 cal, but that is provided you're getting 30' of exercise a day. right now, i can't exercise b/c i'm recovering from a ruptured achilles tendon (one of the reasons for going on here is to lose the weight i've gained since surgery- ugh!). so, is it ok to go under 1200 if i'm not exercising? and then work back up once i can? how low is too low???
thanks for any info and best of luck to everyone!!


  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    1200 is the lowest you should go exercise or not. Exercise calories are added to this. Below 1200 i starvation mode. Have you read the newbie articles that answer a number of questions?
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You really should get fewer than 1200 calories, regardless of whether or not you exercise. You burn calories all day long from little things that most people don't recognize. If you aren't stuck in bed all day long, you'll end up burning too many calories and your body will go into starvation mode which is not only counterproductive, but extremely unhealthy as well. Stick to anywhere from 1200-1400 calories and you'll be just fine.
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    1200 is the lowest you should go exercise or not. Exercise calories are added to this. Below 1200 i starvation mode. Have you read the newbie articles that answer a number of questions?

    Thanks! I didn't see those articles. Where can I find them?
  • mike6pak
    Even if you stay in bed all day you burn calories (brain function, digesting etc.). This is around 1kcal per minute (largely depends on the individual).

    So the 1200 is already very low, any lower and your metabolism will shut down.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    you can do a search of the forums, but here's one:

    you didn't mention if bandages, stitches, etc are off/out and if you have access to a pool for water exercises. this is what runners do who rehab. Good luck!
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    Are you on painkillers or have been prescribed bed rest? If not, you should still be able to exercise to a limited degree. I don't know how serious your injury is but can you do crunches, push-ups on your knees, upper body weight lifting?

    If you doctor allows it, I would isolate the injury as much as possible and try to move everything else. At the same time don't risk aggravating your injury.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I used to go under 1200 calories and really it does slow down your metabolism. Plus, you will be so hungry. I uped my calorie intake to no lower than 1300 and no higher than 1500. I stay at least at 1400 though on a regular. I still lose weight.
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    Are you on painkillers or have been prescribed bed rest? If not, you should still be able to exercise to a limited degree. I don't know how serious your injury is but can you do crunches, push-ups on your knees, upper body weight lifting?

    If you doctor allows it, I would isolate the injury as much as possible and try to move everything else. At the same time don't risk aggravating your injury.

    I am 10 weeks post surgery, and still in a walking boot (hoping to get out of that soon!). I am definitely doing push-ups, crunches, leg lifts, etc. to make sure my body (esp legs) are strong enough to help me walk again without chance of re-injury. I'm not getting any cardio, though. My gym has something called a 'Krank", so as soon as I get the green light to go back to the gym, that's what I'm headed for: )

    Thanks for all the advice- 1200 it is: ) dl
  • dyscarp
    As you can see from the other posts, you should not go below 1200 calories a day. I just found that out the hard way. I have been struggling to lose weight for quite a while. I have to admit, I was not overly active, so finally decided to start doing spin and kickboxing classes. Still, after three months of a very increased activity level I was not losing weight. I went to my doctor who confirmed that my thyroid and everything else was fine. He told me I needed to reduce my calorie intake. He said, take your weight 190, add a zero, 1900. That is how many calories I should be taking in to maintain my weight. Subtract 500, 1400, and this is how many calories I should be taking in to lose weight. He did however tell me that I should never take in less than 1200 calories. So I went home and joined myfitnesspal and low and behold I was only taking in between 800 to 900 calories a day. I changed my eating habits to increase my calories to at least 1200. For the past two weeks I have kept my calorie intake between 1200 - 1400 and have lost almost 5 pounds so far. I also feel much better.
  • joliemama
    Hi everyone, my question is what do you do if you have eaten your quota of food and by the end of the day you are still
    under as was the situation I found myself in yesterday. I added another portion of protein but then my protein quota was over
    the recommended dosage for me. I am confused on how to balance it all??/
    Any advice
    cheers joliemama
  • NineInchGirl
    I didnt read everyone's reply but you should never NEVER ever eat under 1200 :) Always stay between 1200-1400 cals!!

  • NineInchGirl
    I wanted to reply to the other user ..hold on lemme figure out how to quote her lol
  • NineInchGirl
    Hi everyone, my question is what do you do if you have eaten your quota of food and by the end of the day you are still
    under as was the situation I found myself in yesterday. I added another portion of protein but then my protein quota was over
    the recommended dosage for me. I am confused on how to balance it all??/
    Any advice
    cheers joliemama

    It's ok to go over your protein :) protein isnt your enemy, try filling up on good "high cal foods" like nuts or a nice glass of milk should do the trick :D Or a small bowl of oatmeal! Maybe some yummy cheese and grapes?
  • joliemama
    Thanks chickie babe, I was thinking a couple
    Of wines should do the trick!!!!lol
    Cheers joliemama
  • julyssaandco
    julyssaandco Posts: 11 Member
    All the information you guys have posted here is so useful. I always thought that the fewer calories you ate, the fastest you will lose weight, althought I also knew that eating less than 1,200 calories was a bad thing to do. Anyways, I just realized that I've been doing things wrong because sometimes I eat less than 1,000 calories a day. Thank you everyone for your comments!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Check your BMR on this site. It tells you how much you'd burn if you were in bed all day.