SAHM 11/08/10 to 11/14/10



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~The teacher has the planner where he writes in it. :frown: So we will see if it works for him. Way to go on the running.

    Stacey~Nice job on the less yelling.

    Well yesterday I went to my brother's girlfriends baby shower (that my family had given her). They did a Cafe Rio type burrito and it had a ton of garlic. I ended up having an allergic reaction to it.:tongue: I am now having to stay home from church because of how bad it was. I was burping up a rotten egg taste (made me want to throw up each time I did). My stomach was so bad at this point I don't ever want to eat even a little bit of garlic again. I had the worse night ever in a long time. Quite possibly the actual worse one.:grumble: I will spare you ladies the gorrey (sp?) details. I just hope that I am feeling 100% tomorrow (I am back to babysitting tomorrow). Well I am going to get some more rest. Hope you all had a better weekend than me. Oh I almost forgot to share the one bit of the weekend that was GREAT! Yesterday after the baby shower we went to the hospital to see my niece she is now 4 lb 6 oz still doing great and the best is I got to hold her for the first time while she was being feed her breastmilk through a feeding tube. :happy: Got to go!