Looking for Weight Loss Buddies

I am 25 years old and currently weigh 220 lbs, the most I've ever been. I hope to get myself down to 150, which gets me in a healthy weight range for my height. I'm hoping to find some friends on here with similar goals for accountability/support.


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    add me. I can help
  • beatleschic87
    beatleschic87 Posts: 260 Member
    I am 25 years old and currently weigh 220 lbs, the most I've ever been. I hope to get myself down to 150, which gets me in a healthy weight range for my height. I'm hoping to find some friends on here with similar goals for accountability/support.

    Wow we are almost weight loss twinsies! I'm currently at 235 and 150 is also my goal! Add me! I'll be sure to support you :)
  • mysticmoon625
    mysticmoon625 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm looking for buddies too! I'll add you! :) im 26, 5.6, 161 and just have a goal of looking awesome!. Im starting P90X3 this Sunday, wish me luck! Are you going to follow a program or just wing it?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I'm looking for buddies too! I'll add you! :) im 26, 5.6, 161 and just have a goal of looking awesome!. Im starting P90X3 this Sunday, wish me luck! Are you going to follow a program or just wing it?

    If your diet is good then P90X will work for you. If you cannot do a pull up to start I think you can get one on your own two weeks in. The AB Ripper just keep working at it. That was my hardest day.
  • mysticmoon625
    mysticmoon625 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm looking for buddies too! I'll add you! :) im 26, 5.6, 161 and just have a goal of looking awesome!. Im starting P90X3 this Sunday, wish me luck! Are you going to follow a program or just wing it?

    If your diet is good then P90X will work for you. If you cannot do a pull up to start I think you can get one on your own two weeks in. The AB Ripper just keep working at it. That was my hardest day.

    Figuring out what to eat is the hardest part for me. I'm a perfectionist and I over think it too much and end up not eating. I attempted the first P90X a few times but got detailed. Im excited for the 30 min workouts though! I have to use the bands for my pull ups... But I'm trying! Ab ripper is a birch! Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it. :)
  • Natasha00123
    Natasha00123 Posts: 11 Member
    I am 29 and am looking for weight loss buddies too. My husband and I just started going to the gym and eating healthier this week. I really needed someone who I see everyday to help motivate me. But to have some lady friends would be awesome!!

    Friend me if you get on MFP often. :)
  • MsChocolateOne
    MsChocolateOne Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 28 and looking also, feel free to add me :-)
  • aleyjewell
    aleyjewell Posts: 65 Member
    I am also looking for buddies! I ask currently 253 and am ready to make serious changes this time. I am 27 and my 55 year old momhas so many health problems that could be solved by diet and exercise. I need accountability. Feel free to add me!
  • marcellomoo
    marcellomoo Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 22 and with similar goals, just a little head start. Feel free to add me :)
  • starbucktigh
    starbucktigh Posts: 170 Member
    Count me in! This is my first time posting on MFP. I'm 5' 8" and trying to get down to 150, since gaining most of it in the past few years due to illness and injuries. Since creating an account here I've lost 10 lbs so far, but I still have a long way to go, and could definitely use some support! I work out with a personal trainer several nights a week, and I also have started running and adding yoga back in. I am also following a diet my physician worked with me to create for my health needs.

    My biggest fear is not that I can't reach my goal, but that I won't be able to maintain it. I'm also impatient, so I know myself well enough to say with certainty that I will get frustrated at plateaus because I want this weight off now! I don't want to spend my 30s battling with weight, so the time for me to get in shape is now!
  • " I don't want to spend my 30s battling with weight, so the time for me to get in shape is now! "

    My thoughts exactly! My husband and I are hoping to adopt a child once we get our lives a little better in order
    (does that ever really happen, though??), and I want to already be living a healthy lifestyle maintaining weight when that happens, to set a good example. I can already notice my metabolism slipping as I hit that "quarter-life crisis," and I want to get this weight off now rather than wait until I get medical problems or something and it gets so much harder to lose.
  • hdacmom
    hdacmom Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me...I will take all the help too!!!