Pole Fitness

o2blori Posts: 168 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I took an hour pole fitness class yesterday! I have to tell you that I've never been so sore in my life. Anyone else taken a class? And no, I'm not talking about STRIPPING!


  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I sell poles and lots of them for workouts! :laugh: I hear they are a great workout but haven't personally done it. I have however seen some amazing results because my girls send me pictures. We also placed bets at the time of purchase. :bigsmile:
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I use to teach it and it is awesome! I also taught an Erotic Aerobics without the pole which was more like stripper moves, also very fun. Unfortunately, due to medical issues in my DH's family we had to move to podunksville to take care of our elders so I don't teach them anymore. A--No place to do it here and B--The Bible Belt is cinched in tight here. So, as opposed to being labeled a harlot for teaching women to move their bodies, I do my "strippercise" at home now. ;-)
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    I have a pole, but no idea how to use it and no permanent place for it to go :(
  • I took pole classes for a little over a year. It was soooo much fun! I loved my 6 inch red heels, my sparkly booty shorts, and the sexy feeling I got from working out on my pole. The best part was that after one year we got to create our own routine and perform it. Then we moved on to "Pole Masters" which had advanced tricks that took a TON of strength in the core and arms. Sadly, that was a little too much for me since I wasn't really doing any exercise outside of my once-per-week pole classes. I stopped taking the classes and put the money toward a gym membership instead. Hoping to lose some extra weight and look good in my booty shorts again!

    I still have my pole, but I moved over the summer and there's no room to set it up at my new place. I'm hoping that the next time I move I'll be in good enough shape and have the space to set it up again and start working those advanced tricks!

    Quick shout out - if anyone is in the Northern Virginia area and wants to give pole a try, I highly recommend DivaFit! Feel free to message me for details. :)
  • Hotbottom
    Hotbottom Posts: 168 Member
    I took it up for a while too and even set up a pole at home. My teenager stopped bring friends home though. I also found I was always covered in bruises all over my legs from trying to grip and jump up the bloody thing. It was when I got bruises on my head when I'd been trying to do a sexy wave and head-banged it instead, and thought it might look like Hubby was bashing me up: I finally took it down.
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