Starting out

well, I've just been told about this site and so far am loving it! I was doing WW online and paying for the same thing, the only problem was, sometimes you are guessing about points... This is calories, pure and simple!!! I have to say that generally, I do eat the 1200 calories that it is saying I should eat and am at my highest weight ever.... I think I might have to do some adjustments because it's just not going away... I've been adding in exercise, I think maybe I shouldn't eat those earned calories..

I have seen in some profiles, a place where people can put their SW, CW GW etc and mini do you do that??

Looking forward to seeing what happens and changing the way I feel....


  • dk82
    dk82 Posts: 142 Member
    go to your profile then- edit profile
  • nicolepope11
    I just want to comment on your thought not to eat your exercise calories. If you are only consuming 1200 calories and then exercise and burn 200, you will want to eat those calories. You should not ever be below 1200 consumed. Now if your set amount of calories is 1370, you can burn 170 and not re-eat them. But try not to be under 1200. Your metabolism might need a boost and adding cardio exercise can do that for you. Even if it is just a short 20 minute walk after dinner, that can help you boost your metabolism. If you are consuming under 1200 calories and burning calories, your metabolism can get all out of whack. Also, watch how much fat, carbs and protein you are eating. If you are low in calories and high in fat, protein and carbs you won't lose as much weight. If you eat too much protein and aren't highly active, it can add weight.

    Good luck! You can do this!!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I agree with nsteetle....never go under 1200 cals consumed. I think you'll really love this site. Add me as a friend if you like. I am basically starting over myself. I've been backsliding for awhile now. Time to buckle down and get going again!

  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    If yu are talking about how people have SW and CW and goals in their posts you have to click on the community tab and click on signature then you enter whatever you want it to say whether it be a quote or your stats. And then you change it whenever you weigh in or just want something different. As far as goals and start weight to track thru the site then you change your profile info under the My Home tab. You can also add a ticker that tells your weight loss or how much further you have to go (depending on what you choose it to say) and that is under tools. You can copy and paste the link and put that in your 'signature' as well if you want that to show when you post on topics! Hope that helps!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    At the top of your homepage is your daily summary. Your "NET" calories should be AT LEAST 1200 if you want a sustainable weight-loss program - Otherwise you are just simply not fueling your body enough to lose weight over the long term and keep it off.

    Good luck! Feel free to friend me if you are looking for support/advice.
