Breast feeding and Losing Weight

I gave birth to my son a month ago today via C-Section. I haven't been cleared for any exercise other than walking so far. I am trying to track my calories and eat a well balanced diet, which isn't always easy with a newborn. Just curious how other Moms have breast fed and lost weight. I don't want to risk my milk supply either, I would rather keep the weight on than him lose what he needs. I'll take any advice that you guys have! Thanks!


  • freesiasun5
    freesiasun5 Posts: 3,122 Member
    I didn't intentionally restrict calories at all until my sons were both 6 months, so they were on solids and the pressure wasn't so high. Then I did diet calories (1200-1300 for me) + 300 until I was done nursing.

    Good luck!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    youre not going to like me very much but I BF 3 of my children , I would advise you don't restrict calories or anything until you have feeding established you may have done this if so then ignore that, please make sure you eat enough to keep milk healthy I made mistake of trying to work out too early and my son actually refused my milk as too much exercise can make it less quality. Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat protein and stick to what your medical professionals tell you. It can be done though and I always found once I stopped feeding 10lbs dropped off
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    try to just relax you JUST had a baby, the weight will come off, enjoy your new little one and eat when you're hungry.

    After your milk supply establishes itself and your baby is a little older then you can start pulling back on the food, it's really hard to restrict food while nursing because breastfeeding burns so many calories.