SOS! Need HELP!!!

Hey All! My name is Kate (hiiiii Kaaaate) and right now I'm sitting at my desk feeling sorry for myself! I began MFP in late August with the goal of losing 10lbs (I started at 165). I did all the right things; eating right, walking, taking the stairs, etc. I reached my low of 155.5 about 3 weeks ago but am now starting to creep my way back up the scale (this morning's weigh was 161.5). I am so unbelievable down on myself, which leads to depression, which leads to eating, no exercise and not caring. I'm losing my motivation and I don't know where it's gone! I need help! Something to get me back on track! Please HELP ME!!!


  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Stop the pity party and get it back together....We all go through this but the way we handle getting it together is what separate us from the losers and the non-losers....
  • sburt1
    sburt1 Posts: 51 Member
    I know how you feel!!! Just keep thinking of how good you felt when you lost all that weight and how much better you look!! You can do this. Go for a walk or something sometimes when I get down or think I am STARVING if I go for a walk it hleps me feel better!!!

    I have fallen off the track as well and I made a vow to myself to start doing things right again today so join with me!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • rundgrenfan
    Congratulations on the weight loss!

    If you are still keeping careful track of your calories and exercise, maybe this weight gain is related to your monthly cycle?

    If you haven't been keeping track, just make the decision to jump back into it this week. Maybe you will be the type that will need to retrain your brain one week a month for maintenance, or something. I know I won't eat healthy forever without some type of accountability.
  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    I know that it can be tough...I have had those moments where I just say I will exercise later. But then after a little bit I just say to myself you know what, tough nubs...Put on my walking shoes and go for a stroll through the neighborhood or put on my iPod and go to the basement for a little "Me Exercise, Jogging in Place or whatever" time. When I would have those moments where I would start gaining weight back I would just re-evaluate what I was eating and if I was getting enough exercise. I know that alot of times people make a long term goal for weight loss...Which is good but then also at the same time I try to make a weekly goal that is alot smaller and more easily reached. Just keep telling yourself why you are doing it...People might look at you funny when you talk to yourself :) but it is so worth it. And when you hit those smaller weekly goals, it feels so good...Good luck, I know ya can do it.
  • ndelbosque1634
    We all fall off the wagon sometimes. Just realize that YOU make the decision to get back on and stay on track! Don't stress over mistakes, correct them immediately. Making healthy choices and exersizing makes you feel better!
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    Like I tell my kids when they fall down. You will be ok, stand up brush off your knees and get back to business!

    We all fall off the wagon at some point all we have to do is get back welcome back to the wagon Kate! :)
  • shoegirl2
    Everyone is right on target with their posts. I, too, have those struggles, and responded to a similar message last week suggesting visualization. I was have trouble getting motivated to exercise, even though I had the time, the access and the ability. However, I visualized myself exercising and how good I feel afterward. I literally dragged myself to exercise, and while I didn't give it 100% I still made effort and got myself going again. The next day was much easier to get motivated to exercise. Everything we do is a lifestyle change, so we need to make it a part of our daily routine, just like brushing our teeth! Good luck!
  • Dawnsdream
    Dont get disgurished and frustrated and down on yourself. I weighed 160 pounds when I started and Now I am 140. Everyone thought I was crazy exercising and trying to loose weight. But it is not that hard if you set your mind to it. I gain sometimes and get to a point I feel like I am loosing nothing. But a little extra walking can make a world of difference. I drink water with crystal lite and no sodas and tea half sweet and half unsweet. I eat maybe one piece of dark cholate and it is a miniture one. Just really look at calories in what you eat and fat and sugar and decide from there what to eat. I eat a good breakfast and light lunch to no lunch and supper and limit the portion size. But for the first time in 13 years I can fit in a medium shirt and size 5/6 jeans. I still have some flab yet to loose but I am determined to be small again. Just never give up. Some days or better than others and we all have them days. But tomorrow is a new day and we work twice as hard to make up for what we did wrong day before. Keep fighting and stick to your goal. Because achomplishing the goal and seeing yourself smaller again is a blessing and makes you proud of yourself and your hard work. Dawn
  • moobrad08
    Hello Kate, It's ok I too feel that way about myself sometimes, BUT you got to get it in your head that no matter what size you are you're BEAUTIFUL and it's just a number. Yes, we all want to be like super models in shape and ready to hit the beach in our two pieces but you can never yet the matter take over the mind, it's always mind over matter. Cheer up girly!!! And always remember you're a DIVA , a QUEEN, inside and OUT! much love

    - Rica Bradford
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's so great to know that people are willing to help when it's needed! I promise to work hard to pick myself back up again! I'm posting every day and will take the initiative to work out more (I don't work out much). I CAN DO THIS!!!!

    I'll make sure I read your posts (even the pity party one :wink: ) when I need a good pick me up!

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank YOU! :heart:
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Don't look back to where you were. Look at where you are today and look to the future. You can do it, starting NOW! There is no past. Only right now!
