Constipation - You're full of it.

MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

I set my diary to be public - I basically just started eating breads again, however I also just started to take Creatine along with C4 -

Any idea why I am having really bad constipation problems over the past 8/9 days?

I was going about once a day, and would consider that me being healthy and lately it has been once every three days - and it is a struggle :embarassed:

I consume an asinine amount of water - I'd say 150-180 floz daily.


  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    That's odd, usually creatine makes you go like you just had taco bell. Did you take all this stuff at the same time? it may have interacted with the bread or something. If this keeps up you may want to ask a doctor as it could be an issue.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    Cheese does that to me.

    I'm about to start taking creatine too, so I hope I don't get bad blockage!

    ETA: grammar
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Ditto on the bread/ refined grains (bread, tortillas, pasta, etc)-- did the same to me.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Use more hot sauce - problem solved.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    So should I cut out the carbs?

    And yeah I started taking all of this stuff at almost the same time - within the same two week span.


    for realz call the doctor?

    @laurenawolf - yeah I don't have any cheese or milk in my diet - don't get constipation but I do get acne from that stuff.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    eat more fiber and prunes
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    You need Chorizo Chili Cheese Fries. You're welcome.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Expresso. Every. Single. Time.
  • sc003ro
    sc003ro Posts: 227 Member
    buy fiber tabs or stool well
  • tamstew20
    tamstew20 Posts: 6 Member
    Try getting and taking a good pro-biotic, I take PB8 because it is milk free, It works really well!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    ^yeah guys - I have some of the fiber seen in my journal - that works, but I feel like that is putting a band aid on a symptom ... isn't there an underlying problem here?

    Is this common when taking new supplements like C4 or Creatine?

    Or is this common when adding breads, and oatmeal etc. to a diet that was basically protein and fats - almonds, extra virgin olive oil - etc.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    eat more fiber and prunes

    ^this is a good idea concerning the prunes.. I have never purchased them before but this should certainly help sorta more organically
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    :yawn: :yawn:
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I rarely eat refined flour, and if I do it's like pouring glue in my gut. Make sure you eat fibrous stuff with any flour. I suggest trying a stool softener pill rather than a laxative- less violent. Good luck- that's a real sh*tty feeling. :explode:
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Okay, so I did actually read it.

    Do not cut out all carbs, that will make things worse, not better. Leafy greens, spinach and such. Roughage will help, but what works especially is dropping by your local grocery and getting a big bag of ground flax seed. I sprinkled a tablespoon onto every salad, put it in my protein shakes, and mixed it into whatever I could. THAT is what saved my @$$ when I was doing ketosis.

    Good luck, stay regular!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Okay, so I did actually read it.

    Do not cut out all carbs, that will make things worse, not better. Leafy greens, spinach and such. Roughage will help, but what works especially is dropping by your local grocery and getting a big bag of ground flax seed. I sprinkled a tablespoon onto every salad, put it in my protein shakes, and mixed it into whatever I could. THAT is what saved my @$$ when I was doing ketosis.

    Good luck, stay regular!
    ^k I have flax seed at my house!! I purchased a huge bag of it for the omega 3 because salmon is getting so expensive. - I will start putting half a teaspoon in my protein shakes!

    Good look!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I rarely eat refined flour, and if I do it's like pouring glue in my gut. Make sure you eat fibrous stuff with any flour. I suggest trying a stool softener pill rather than a laxative- less violent. Good luck- that's a real sh*tty feeling. :explode:
    :drinker: Thanks - it's also like glue to my gut as well...

    I can handle the exercise no problemo - I can handle forcing myself to obey the diet I am on - no problemo - understanding what my diet should consist of - problems problems problems :grumble:

    One thing is certain - for how constipated I feel I have been in excess of a week now - my body is telling me I am doing something wrong now..
