HELP!! I need weight loss tips for 18lbs by Xmas - worked my



  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    We all need a break sometimes. I would just say make sure not to cut back on your workouts too much. I find I have to stick to a fairly consistent routine and make it a habit or I end up getting away from it. I try to work out 4 times per week. I have recently started adding Yoga back in to my regime. I hope that helps with the stress and gets me back on track.
  • I'm back on track with my workouts now. I had a terrible week in that my whole body lacked energy and was aching. I just wanted to sleep all week. However, after a good break I went yesterday for a short session before popping to my friend's and managed to jog more, and I went again today and did ok. Still not as strong as I'd like with the jogging tho.

    Hopefully next week weigh in will see another drop.
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