Tracking for 3 weeks, haven't lost a pound. What's going on?



  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I started off at about roughly 299 pounds. I'm 21, female, and I'm 5'10". I used the MyFitnessPal recommended calorie value to lost 2 pounds a week (about 1770 calories). I've been tracking EVERYTHING, drinking only water, and I haven't been starving or uncomfortable. I still haven't incorporated exercise. I started off at 299 and I've been weighing anywhere from 297 to back up to 299 this morning. I know my weight fluctuates a lot, but I feel like I should have solidly lost at least two pounds by now. What am I doing wrong? Is calorie limit too low?

    Read this daily until you get it:

    It's really "that easy"....
  • xSarabean
    xSarabean Posts: 16
    Why is no one asking about the exercise? I know you said you are not, is there an important reason why? Logging food correctly really only is half of it, burning more really matters.

    Old doctor I had always told me that losing weight is 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. I wanted to get a grip on the diet part first.
  • xSarabean
    xSarabean Posts: 16
    Haven't read everything on this post yet... But did want to mention that I was on the pill (hormonal birth control) for 8 years (since I was 16) and finally got off and switched to a NO HORMONE IUD and since then have lost over 30 lbs in a little over a year with no major life changes... with the exception I do eat a little healthier now but definitely had my share of cheats!

    So, I did slowly and steadily gain 60lbs+ while on the pill for 8 years then once removed, over the next year slowly and steadily lost over 30 lbs... I definitely blame birth control for some of that and will never go back on a hormone birth control.

    IUD is not an option for me, and I'd rather lose weight more slowly than be pregnant.
  • xSarabean
    xSarabean Posts: 16
    6/12 stuck out to me, a few days with no breakfast but if you are a meal skipper then that is that

    If you are confident in your logging then maybe you should look into getting a checkup and see if there are any other factors you should know about. Your calorie goal does not strike me as too low and you should definitely be seeing some results with it.

    ETA: I would give it a bit more time though too, its annoying but sometimes it just takes time to see results. You see alot of people on here talk about huge drops the first few days but I have always been the opposite, it takes me a few weeks to see anything and I lose in spurts, nothing then 2 lbs, nothing then 2 lbs. Also TOM will always mask any loss I have for about a week, then when its done poof, there it all goes.

    My weight fluctuates terribly. I was 297 for three days straight, and then I was 288 the next day, and 289 today. I use weight grapher to track trends but it's still frustrating. Interestingly, I actually weigh lower right before TOM by a pound or two.

    You might want to look into getting a new scale. Make sure you're weighing at the same time everyday, same situations. I get up and pee every morning, then weigh.

    I do the same thing. I don't get up at the same time every day, but when I do get up, I pee and go weigh myself.
  • xSarabean
    xSarabean Posts: 16
    Are you drinking plenty of water? Measure, measure, measure...I am guilty, the days I measure and count are the weeks I loose. Slowly incorporate small walks...Hope this helps!

    Water is all I drink besides the occasional diet soda (and I'm talking occasional... like once a week.)
  • xSarabean
    xSarabean Posts: 16

    I am on birth control, but it's not an option to get off of it. I've talked to my OB/GYN about weight loss and she says the one I'm on doesn't typically cause problems. I've been tested for my thyroid within the last 3 years and it turned out normal. Could it change that quickly?

    Try a different birth control. I have an issue with the non-generic of the one I'm currently on. They docs and pharmacists always tell me, "oh, switching to the name brand shouldn't ... (insert nasty side effect here)..." but the reality of my life is that it does. As complex as the human body and the complex formulas for medications... not EVERYTHING can be predicted.

    The birth control I'm on is perfectly fine otherwise. I had been on Depo before and I switched because it's one of the only birth control meds directly related to weight gain. I'm not willing to fully blame the BC because I've known many people that have lost all of their weight on birth control.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well I'd just give it more time then. And go see a doctor if you still haven't lost anything in 2 weeks.

    The 2 pounds you gained back could just be water weight though, so I would definitely give it a couple more weeks.
  • Lara124911
    Lara124911 Posts: 23
    I was over weight and tried so many things. Different things work for different people and I was lucky enough to find one that worked for me. I lost 18 pounds in one month without much exercise and it's been a life changer. I'm a little embarrased to post my before and after photos here but if anyone actually cares to hear what I've been doing then I'd be happy to help in any way. Just shoot me an email at and I'll show you my before and after photos, and tell you about how things are going for me with the stuff I've tried. I wish someone would have helped me out when I was struggling to find a solution so if I can help you then it would make my day
  • mysmileighs
    mysmileighs Posts: 103 Member
    Breakfast, Breakfast, Breakfast!!!! They say it's the most important meal of the day for a reason! I typically blend fruit, powdered peanut butter, and protein mix in with milk and have that for breakfast.

    There's no evidence to suggest that eating a "healthy" breakfast or a breakfast at all will aide in weight loss. Not trying to be mean but this is a common myth. There's also no scientific data to suggest that one should not eat after a certain time of the day or before bed time. Calories in and calories out is all that matters.

    I personally eat breakfast most mornings. sometimes it's a bagel, power bar, protein shake, strawberries, Egg McMuffin etc. If I eat breakfast but eat at a calorie surplus for the day I will gain weight. If I skip breakfast but eat at a calorie deficit for the day I will lose weight. Breakfast isn't magic, sorry.

    That's fair enough. I haven't really looked into it in *years*. Doing a little research I see two conflicting sides, and I see the lack of *real* evidence. So I guess since it works for me I'll stick with it...doesn't look like it's the fix for the OP and I'm ok with that.

    Thanks for setting me straight! :flowerforyou: