Lifting and adjusting my workouts

A few weeks back, people suggested adding heavy weights to my routine (I have been doing a 3x5 routine that I worked out with a trainer at my gym, not 5x5)

I now work out as follows-

Monday- 55 min Kickboxing. This usually involves squats, kicks, pushups, weighted punches, jumprope, running

Tuesday- 55 minute HIIT/circuit type class. 15 min each of TRX, Kettlebells, and Medicine ball with warmup/cooldown. This is a pretty brutal class and I have gotten progressively better at each activity. I credit this for my newly discovered shoulder caps.

Wed- Off

Thursday- 45 minute HIIT class- usually divides itself into 20 min cardio (jumprope, running, burpees) and 25 minute weights and resistence. I typically add in a round of 3x5 weights afterwards- squats, 'ballet' squats, overhead press, and dead lifts.

Friday- sometimes off, sometimes bootcamp

Saturday- 60 min Spin class followed by the 3x5 squats, 'ballet' squats (last rounds of squats have been at 120 lb), overhead press (70 lb) , and dead lifts (110 lb).

Sunday- 45 min Spin class often followed by a 55 minute 'weights' class. Not sure if I should drop the weights class and do something else.

I could up to a 5x5 series twice a week to compliment my other activities. Not sure if that would be a good move?

I will say, I was out at my sister's last weekend (bachelorette- hence no logging on Saturday- I just wanted to enjoy it!) and trained early Saturday morning with her trainer. I was told that I was 'strong as *kitten*' and awesome to train. Felt good! But I am looking to up my game and see more progress at this point

Tahnks for any input


  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    Looks like you're doing about 4-5 days of exercise. Are all these done in the same gym? You could do a 4 day split... e.g.

    Workout A: Squats and accessory work for legs
    Workout B: Shoulder press and accessory work for arms/shoulders
    Workout C: Bench Press and accessory work for arms/chest
    Workout D: Deadlift and accessory work for back and core

    A routine called 5/3/1 is like this and works well for a lot of people.
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    Yeah- typically 5 days at the same gym. 5-3-1 sounds like a good option
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    Very impressive amount of exercise. I didnt see your original post regarding the advice to up your lifting. I would say it all depends on your goals. I did the bootcamp style classes 5 days 1 hour every nite for past 2 years and on the strength nites i keep increasing my weights to challenge my self. I really liked getting cardio and strength all in one. Im now at a gym trying to keep what i have and want to add more strength so im doing less cardio, which is hard cause i still have that old notion of burning more calories cause i like to eat. I also like to work out 6 days aweek. Dont know what the 55 min. Lifting class is but that sounds like alot after a spin class. You could skip the spin on thurs and use that day for lifting. Your strength should be 3 days aweek and should be done before any cardio. When you start the really heavy lifting you might find you dont have the energy to do all that cardio anyway
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    Yeah, unfortunately, I often times make it to the gym just in time for class from work. I could possible get lifiting in on Monday (workout B- Shoulder Press) before kickboxing. Tuesday I could definitely get in workout C (bench press- my husband does this class with me and could be my spot if I wanted) before TRX/kettlebells/medicine ball. Thursday has to be done after class, since I barely make it to the gym in time..but this alsmot seems like I could get some 'accessory' moves in prior to lifting (workout D- deadlifts). He does a lot of rows, etc on Thursday.

    My husband usually joins me to spot on Saturdays, but there is no way he would get up before my 9:15 spin class..but if Squats (workout A) is left for Saturday, I definitely do not need a spot. I could also drop Saturday spin, though and just do lifting..then stick with my usual Sunday.

    I get home kind of late from the gym (anywhere from 8:30 to 9:30 pm, then eat 'dinner'). So the idea of getting up extra early to go lift before work then ending my day back at the gym 14 hours later isn't too terribly appealing to me.