Is it worth it

So I have been on and off trying to get my weight under control since my first kid. I have actually been using MFP consistently for the last month or two and making slow but steady progress. What I can't seem to do is not be hungry and be anywhere near my daily calorie goal. I wake up with my tunny talking to me and I get to listen to it all day. As such I have noticed my moods are way worse too. Sure, I am down a few pounds, but I can't remember the last day I didn't loose my temper at my kids. My ability to look at the car covered in soda and calmly tell them to get a towel is gone and replaced with screaming things like "Clearly you are to f****** incompetent to have a cup in the car. No more drinks in my car ever!"

Is it worth it? Is it worth being constantly hungry and grumpy and stressed and tired all the time just to loose weight? So far the journey has brought me nothing but constant frustration from not being able to pull out of my PMS type mood for over a month to irritation with the "good" things, like my pants being looser thus needing to be pulled up constantly. What good does being healthier and living longer do if to be healthy and live longer the sacrifices you have to make to get you there make you miserable?


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Yes and no. Is losing weight and being the healthiest you worth it, YES! Is being sane and happy while you are working on that important? YES! Looking at your profile and calorie goals you have set up a pretty large deficit. Try slowing down your loss some, eat a little more, and stay a little more sane.
  • rifadiva
    rifadiva Posts: 27
    It is worth the journey! But starving yourself is not going to make you believe it is worth it! If you have to up your calorie intake, do it! If you don't, choose food with lots of protein and fiber to keep you fuller during the day. Keep on fighting! Becoming healthy is a great step!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    That is not hungry that is hangry....

    why are you hungry and grumpy all the time?

    I am looking at your diary...

    4 cookies @ 1800 calories? yah that wouldn't keep me full either

    There are lots of days with cookies, chips etc where you are way over goal or you eat steak and chips are within goal but so little food...

    I don't say this very often but you need to look at your food food is one thing but everyday? yah you are going to be hungry with so little protien and filling foods.

    For example yesterday you had tea and 5 hour energy in the morning, apple juice for dinner, then a was a bun, raisinettes and half a bowl of teriyaki chicken...holy heck.

    Start eating real food...don't drink your calories with slurpees and eat cookies all day.

    I while losing weight at 1600 -1700 calories most of the time (TDEE so that includes exercise) and I was never hungry...ever because I chose lean meat, lots of protien, filling veggies even when I ate out. Lots of greek yogurt, eggs, bacon, toast, cereal milk etc.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    That is not hungry that is hangry....

    why are you hungry and grumpy all the time?

    I am looking at your diary...

    4 cookies @ 1800 calories? yah that wouldn't keep me full either

    There are lots of days with cookies, chips etc where you are way over goal or you eat steak and chips are within goal but so little food...

    I don't say this very often but you need to look at your food food is one thing but everyday? yah you are going to be hungry with so little protien and filling foods.

    For example yesterday you had tea and 5 hour energy in the morning, apple juice for dinner, then a was a bun, raisinettes and half a bowl of teriyaki chicken...holy heck.

    Start eating real food...don't drink your calories with slurpees and eat cookies all day.

    I while losing weight at 1600 -1700 calories most of the time (TDEE so that includes exercise) and I was never hungry...ever because I chose lean meat, lots of protien, filling veggies even when I ate out. Lots of greek yogurt, eggs, bacon, toast, cereal milk etc.

    This!!# I rarely comment on diets, but you should probably think about eating a more balanced diet.
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    That is not hungry that is hangry....

    why are you hungry and grumpy all the time?

    I am looking at your diary...

    4 cookies @ 1800 calories? yah that wouldn't keep me full either

    There are lots of days with cookies, chips etc where you are way over goal or you eat steak and chips are within goal but so little food...

    I don't say this very often but you need to look at your food food is one thing but everyday? yah you are going to be hungry with so little protien and filling foods.

    For example yesterday you had tea and 5 hour energy in the morning, apple juice for dinner, then a was a bun, raisinettes and half a bowl of teriyaki chicken...holy heck.

    Start eating real food...don't drink your calories with slurpees and eat cookies all day.

    I while losing weight at 1600 -1700 calories most of the time (TDEE so that includes exercise) and I was never hungry...ever because I chose lean meat, lots of protien, filling veggies even when I ate out. Lots of greek yogurt, eggs, bacon, toast, cereal milk etc.

    Mmmmmm... That is some delicious tasting TRUTH, right there. ^^
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I started in September on the 5-2 fasting diet. That is where you have 600 calories {500 for ladies} on two nonconsecutive days per week, but eat whatever you want the other five days. By eating lots of stir-fry and other low calorie dense food, I was never hungry on my low calorie days. I had lost 40 pounds by the New Year doing this. But by then I was working out too much for the 600 calorie days, so I have left it behind me. I have lost 25 more pounds since then, by counting calories everyday. Just last week I reached my goal weight of 176, but I still eat lots of stir-fry, green bean and mixed veggies.

    I am still a big eater, and often have to do extra cardio before bed to end the day in the green. But I have never felt better in the last 30 years. I just hate that I waited so long to start a healthy lifestyle.

    My advice would be to eat very little of the calorie dense foods, just enough to keep from craving them. And add lots of veggies, lean meats and whole grains.

    I all but gave up milk and bread when I was trying the hardest to break my bad habits. Now I'm slowly increasing my consumption, but I can tell when I have too much. I feel bloated and heavy after too much bread. So far 6 oz of milk is the most I've had. For months I only had 1 oz per day.

    Hope you have better days, and good luck in your lifestyle change.

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    If you're for real, then...what everyone else said. If you get some actual nutrition (vitamins, minerals, etc along with a decent proportion of fat and protein) you won't feel awful.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    For me it's a lot better than being as uncomfortable and miserable as I was at my highest weight.

    SezxyStef makes a really good point about your food choices. Protein will help you feel full.

    It might also be a good idea to reevaluate your calorie goal.

    Here are some links that will help you get started.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    What SezxyStef said. It's a matter of finding a balance of foods that keep you full at your calorie goal. If you can't, maybe your goal is too aggressive and you should try losing at a slower rate, but based on my skimming of your diary I'd be starving too, so you should try changing around what you eat first.

    Just to start, eating a high calorie bun for breakfast is just asking to be starving a little later.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    That is not hungry that is hangry....

    why are you hungry and grumpy all the time?

    I am looking at your diary...

    4 cookies @ 1800 calories? yah that wouldn't keep me full either

    There are lots of days with cookies, chips etc where you are way over goal or you eat steak and chips are within goal but so little food...

    I don't say this very often but you need to look at your food food is one thing but everyday? yah you are going to be hungry with so little protien and filling foods.

    For example yesterday you had tea and 5 hour energy in the morning, apple juice for dinner, then a was a bun, raisinettes and half a bowl of teriyaki chicken...holy heck.

    Start eating real food...don't drink your calories with slurpees and eat cookies all day.

    I while losing weight at 1600 -1700 calories most of the time (TDEE so that includes exercise) and I was never hungry...ever because I chose lean meat, lots of protien, filling veggies even when I ate out. Lots of greek yogurt, eggs, bacon, toast, cereal milk etc.

    Yes I agree!! Listen to this
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    That is not hungry that is hangry....

    why are you hungry and grumpy all the time?

    I am looking at your diary...

    4 cookies @ 1800 calories? yah that wouldn't keep me full either

    There are lots of days with cookies, chips etc where you are way over goal or you eat steak and chips are within goal but so little food...

    I don't say this very often but you need to look at your food food is one thing but everyday? yah you are going to be hungry with so little protien and filling foods.

    For example yesterday you had tea and 5 hour energy in the morning, apple juice for dinner, then a was a bun, raisinettes and half a bowl of teriyaki chicken...holy heck.

    Start eating real food...don't drink your calories with slurpees and eat cookies all day.

    I while losing weight at 1600 -1700 calories most of the time (TDEE so that includes exercise) and I was never hungry...ever because I chose lean meat, lots of protien, filling veggies even when I ate out. Lots of greek yogurt, eggs, bacon, toast, cereal milk etc.
  • Tla0126
    Tla0126 Posts: 207 Member
    I looked at your diary and I'd be hungry, too!

    I started my weight loss journey at 268 lbs. What I've learned along the way is how to choose what foods will satisfy me. Ya know... How to get the most bang for my buck!!! I don't always make the best choices, but when I don't, I know it and I regret it!!

    For Example - Your 220 calorie oatmeal cookie can get you 2 eggs and a 5.3 ounce container of Greek yogurt. That will fill you up for quite a bit longer than a cookie.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    You are ready for a total redo of both your diets and your children.
    Why are they drinking soda in the first place/ It should be a very occasional-couple times a year-treat.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Is it worth it? Only you can answer that question. You can get all the information, support & help this site has to offer - but if you don't have the fire to make it happen - it won't happen for you.

    Read these links. Educate yourself about how to have a healthy body. Learn all you can and then do the work.

    The choice is yours. Will you decide you are worth it? Only you know.

    ETA: I'm sure you are not happy with the way you are treating your children. With kids, you never get a do over. Make some changes or talk to some one about your anger.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Looking at your food diary, I think part of the issue may be with what you are eating.... You may want to consider changing the items you are eating. It looks as thought the majority of your food is fast food and highly processed foods. Try adding some fresh fruits and veggies, more protein (like some greek yogurt, peanuts, etc). Do a little reasearch on healthy foods that keep you full. Your calorie goal looks reasonable!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Is it worth it? Only you can answer that question. You can get all the information, support & help this site has to offer - but if you don't have the fire to make it happen - it won't happen for you.

    Read these links. Educate yourself about how to have a healthy body. Learn all you can and then do the work.

    The choice is yours. Will you decide you are worth it? Only you know.

    ETA: I'm sure you are not happy with the way you are treating your children. With kids, you never get a do over. Make some changes or talk to some one about your anger.


    That is not hungry that is hangry....

    why are you hungry and grumpy all the time?

    I am looking at your diary...

    4 cookies @ 1800 calories? yah that wouldn't keep me full either

    There are lots of days with cookies, chips etc where you are way over goal or you eat steak and chips are within goal but so little food...

    I don't say this very often but you need to look at your food food is one thing but everyday? yah you are going to be hungry with so little protien and filling foods.

    For example yesterday you had tea and 5 hour energy in the morning, apple juice for dinner, then a was a bun, raisinettes and half a bowl of teriyaki chicken...holy heck.

    Start eating real food...don't drink your calories with slurpees and eat cookies all day.

    I while losing weight at 1600 -1700 calories most of the time (TDEE so that includes exercise) and I was never hungry...ever because I chose lean meat, lots of protien, filling veggies even when I ate out. Lots of greek yogurt, eggs, bacon, toast, cereal milk etc.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    That is not hungry that is hangry....

    why are you hungry and grumpy all the time?

    I am looking at your diary...

    4 cookies @ 1800 calories? yah that wouldn't keep me full either

    There are lots of days with cookies, chips etc where you are way over goal or you eat steak and chips are within goal but so little food...

    I don't say this very often but you need to look at your food food is one thing but everyday? yah you are going to be hungry with so little protien and filling foods.

    For example yesterday you had tea and 5 hour energy in the morning, apple juice for dinner, then a was a bun, raisinettes and half a bowl of teriyaki chicken...holy heck.

    Start eating real food...don't drink your calories with slurpees and eat cookies all day.

    I while losing weight at 1600 -1700 calories most of the time (TDEE so that includes exercise) and I was never hungry...ever because I chose lean meat, lots of protien, filling veggies even when I ate out. Lots of greek yogurt, eggs, bacon, toast, cereal milk etc.

    Definitely this! I'm usually the last one saying to switch out the cookie but I'd be starving and miserable eating that little. Check some food diaries get ideas. You shouldn't be this hangry and making everyone around you miserable.
  • Annesoucy1957
    Yes it is worthed, you are only 32 and you have a long life ahead of you dont you want to grow older being able to be active, travelling, enjoying life or taking pills for high blood pressure, diabetis and the list can be quite long, being left behind because you cannot follow.

    There are many forms of hunger and that growling stomach is the easiest to deal with and the one generating the least emotions. Hunger is just a feeling, something unpleasant but you get use to it with time you adapt. Hunger feels better than back pain or knee pain or being out of breath.

    Emotional hunger is another beast that one can turn into anger, find something to replace the food that was dulling your emotions, walk, talk to friends, create something, take boxing but do something about it.

    Are you angry at yourself for being where you are now, I know I am with myself for gaining weight. All that crap I ate was not worthed to hard work I must do now to undo my mistake. I get angry at myself not others since it was all of my doing. I go vent at the gym.

    Beleive me food is overrated :0)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I'm usually not one to bash fast food, Taco Bell and Starbucks, but you may want to re-think your food choices.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    That is not hungry that is hangry....

    why are you hungry and grumpy all the time?

    I am looking at your diary...

    4 cookies @ 1800 calories? yah that wouldn't keep me full either

    There are lots of days with cookies, chips etc where you are way over goal or you eat steak and chips are within goal but so little food...

    I don't say this very often but you need to look at your food food is one thing but everyday? yah you are going to be hungry with so little protien and filling foods.

    For example yesterday you had tea and 5 hour energy in the morning, apple juice for dinner, then a was a bun, raisinettes and half a bowl of teriyaki chicken...holy heck.

    Start eating real food...don't drink your calories with slurpees and eat cookies all day.

    I while losing weight at 1600 -1700 calories most of the time (TDEE so that includes exercise) and I was never hungry...ever because I chose lean meat, lots of protien, filling veggies even when I ate out. Lots of greek yogurt, eggs, bacon, toast, cereal milk etc.


    When I glanced at your diary, I saw fast food after fast food and lack of real food some days (like apple juice for dinner). Plus, your sodium and sugar are way high. If you get a little more nutrition, you'll feel fuller on less food and not get so hangry.