Back on MFP, looking for motivated friends!!

Hi there - to be honest, i have been on MFP for awhile, but never really stuck with it or even tried to blog/join groups because i was a little intimidated. But I have logged back on this week and after reading a few posts, i think everyone has to start somewhere...I am ready to stay and meet new friends!!

A little background check: My name is Andrea (or DRE). I am 30 yrs old, a Filipino Mama of two very active FIT kiddos: Makai age 5 and Nialani age 9. I say FIT-ipino because that it is what i hope to represent. It stands as a constant reminder to live FIT for life!! After two kids, a car accident that almost took my life and left me in a wheelchair for 3 months, a full time job and many of life's trials and tribulations, I definitely know it is harder than it sounds. But after Physical Therapy, support from friends and family, I learned that results only happen from hardwork and serious disciplne: no pain, no gain? lol.

I started P90X3 this week, i am 5'2" 142.8lbs and am looking to get stronger, shed some weight and stay lean..

Please help me stay motivated and let's do this together!! Add me: FitipinoMaDRE


  • lcorrea
    lcorrea Posts: 10 Member
    Of course! Count me as a friend. I'm really trying to stay on it this time myself. It's hard but I'm trying to look at this as a lifestyle change rather than just a diet. Hard to do, but i'm getting there!
  • annziexo
    annziexo Posts: 90 Member
    Count me in!