Calories in, calories out; is it so simple?



  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Calorie deficit is a calorie deficit is a calorie deficit. However if you don't give your body what it actually needs it will demand it eventually and you will then no longer be in a calorie deficit. By all means treat yourself every now and then but keep things within reason.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Weight-wise, it's the same. But you don't get any nutrients from ice cream. So yeah, if you just want to lose weight and don't care, you can do that and it won't make much difference. It doesn't mean that's a healthy choice.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Thank you, everyone. I appreciate all your posts.

    To answer the questions:

    Although I ate a great deal of ice cream today, I stayed within my calorie amount and I was able to get through lunch and dinner without overeating.

    As an example, if I eat like this every day (which, obviously, I won't), will I lose weight because I am still having a calorie deficit?

    Yes, you will. And ice cream is often an excellent source of the fat macro. Hence why people are able to tailor their diets to deliberately include ice cream everyday. Personally I couldn't do it unless I would go out to buy a single serving everyday. A tub of ice cream in the house would be an empty tub :)
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Is this whole thread serious. So you want to lose weight, do you want to live a long life too? Look after your body man, it will thank you. Eating vegetables and fruit and not just junk and things is not just about hitting your macros easier its also about looking after your body and focusing on taking care of yourself before weightloss.

    This here is good advice.
    Also most people don't have a BMR of 1200...

    I will when I hit goal weight. Or close enough as to make no difference. :cry:
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Is this whole thread serious. So you want to lose weight, do you want to live a long life too? Look after your body man, it will thank you. Eating vegetables and fruit and not just junk and things is not just about hitting your macros easier its also about looking after your body and focusing on taking care of yourself before weightloss.

    This here is good advice.
    Also most people don't have a BMR of 1200...

    I will when I hit goal weight. Or close enough as to make no difference. :cry:

    Aww you are shorty too! I know, some people are that low, but most aren't. That's why I used the word most.
  • eminentclapper
    eminentclapper Posts: 15 Member
    The resting metabolic rate should also be taken into consideration, as that will determine your daily calorie needs, including when you're sleeping, lounging in front of the TV, etc.

    Higher resting metabolic rate = higher daily calorie needs.

    Your resting metabolic rate can be revved up in two ways: eat more or build more muscle. Best way is to start a medium to high intensity resistance training program and stick to about 1400 - 1600 calories per day, preferably with as high a proportion of non-refined foods as you can handle.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    The reason I asked about BMR was because eating only 1200 calories a day seems like such a tiny amount and obviously if their BMR is around that number they should be consuming more calories.