Runners Knee recovery

I was so proud of myself, I completed C25K three weeks ago and did it all on a treadmill. I then decided I would start all over again and this time run outside. Week 1 day 2 of running outside and I think I've done my left knee in. Reading internet I think I have runners knee. Does anyone know, do I just rest it, if I go to a Dr is it worth it, will he just tell me to rest it? I used ice pack and that helped, stopped running for about 2 weeks and then felt better, went for my first run again 2 days ago, only 1.3k and 8 minutes but my knee is sore again, what is the normal treatment and recovery time for Runners Knee?


  • playadelcarmen2
    playadelcarmen2 Posts: 38 Member
    I had to stop running until the pain was completely gone, it took about two months. Doctors orders, but I am on my feet alot anyway, so Im sure that didnt help the recovery. Good luck
  • midnight419
    midnight419 Posts: 77 Member
    See a orthopedic. Depending on your diagnosis the doctor may give you stretches and strengthening exercises to do or proscribe physical therapy. Most knee injuries from running are from overuse, poor form, or muscle imbalances. FYI "Runners knee" describes many types of knee injuries.