I Suck At working out



  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    OK hopefully you will find friends here that will encourage you and make some suggestions.

    I think you need to find a gym to join, you are young and you will meet young people there who will want to be your friends... maybe you can join some class session they are offering and meet even more people who know this is important. Give it a try There is a Planet Fitness or something like it that is affordable near you I'm real sure!

    YOU can do this!!!
  • tiffanywagner89
    Weight/resistance training will burn more calories than spending hours on a treadmill or elliptical ever will. Increasing your body's ratio of muscle will in turn burn more calories because your metabolism is revved up. Joining a group class would be helpful to you for motivation as well as introducing you to new ideas, and meeting new people who enjoy fitness. Good luck on your journey!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Do you have any interest in social dancing? West Coast Swing is very popular across the country and across the world--all age groups kids to seniors. If you get into it, you'd be surprised how easy it is to dance several hours without even considering it a work out.

    Check local dance studios, dance bars and meetup for west coast swing dances. Typically there is a free beginner lesson for an hour before the dance starts. Of course you can take lessons at dance studios (I recommend avoiding the big franchise studios like Fred Astaire $$$$$), or even local community centers, colleges, adult education programs at high schools too ... you should be able to get a drop in group lesson somewhere for $10-15 ... no partner necessary. There are big conventions too.

    WCS can be danced to anything from blues to modern contemporary. Very fun very welcoming environment.

    Here are some links pros doing WCS (of course most people don't dance like this!) but just to give you an idea:

    Benji Schwimmer & Trendylon Veal (this is an improv competition--surprise partner, surprise 2 songs):

    Two of my favorite pros, Ben Morris & Jen DeLuca (choreographed routine):

    Also consider salsa, lindy, balboa, tango --- social dance to fit any style of music you like.

    PM me if you want help finding classes or events in your area.
