For Real This Time.

So here it begins...
I'm your typical myfitnesspal on and off user. I've started my journey to weight loss and healthiness time and time again, giving up each time. But this time is different. I feel more so motivated then ever before and more willing to push harder and try harder then ever before. Shoot, I'm even making my first post on here about myself which is something I've never imagined doing. Maybe reading so many different posts and seeing different progresses on here has finally flipped my switch, who knows. All I can really say now is I'm ready.
A little about me I'm 5'4" and currently 138lbs with a goal weight of 110lbs. I'm not confident and very unhappy where I'm at. I don't feel I am as healthy as I should be. I've set a mini goal of my own witch is to lose at least 5 pounds if not more by my birthday which is relatively close, August 2nd. I hope to make some great and motivational friends on here as I go on and really stay on track.
I'd love to hear great tips and workouts too! Add me(:
