I'm sore, but can I still work out!?

Hey yall! I have been working out these past 3 days to some Beachbody workouts i.e. Insanity and Brazilian Butt Lift. I am pretty sore and wanted to know is it ok to keep working out or should I wait till I am not as sore. I have been sore before and worked out but I wanted to know what I should BE doing.


  • catesalim
    For working out muscles, you should let that muscle "group" rest at least 48 hours between a hard work out (with the exception apparently of Abs - they can be worked out daily). Basically, when you do any sort of strength training, you are breaking down the muscle fibers, and they need time to repair. When I do strength training, if I'm doing a total body work out, I do it on alternating days, and do cardio on the other days. Some folks will do upper body one day, an then lower body the next. Drinking lots of water will help flush out the lactic acid.

    As long as the pain is muscle fatigue, all is good. If it's a different kind of pain from say a sprain, then that's a whole different thing.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I always keep going unless I'm injured. I did BBL and Insanity and always felt less sore after I worked out. You know your body best, if you feel like you might hurt yourself because of bad form or something then maybe just do cardio. (Although, Insanity IS cardio) That's my opinion, I'm sure somebody will tell you to wait a day, but if I wait a day I'm always MORE sore. I would suggest doing a different workout than the one you did the day before though. Good luck!
  • orange_avocado
    Generally, it's okay work out a different muscle group. So if your arms are sore, working out your legs or abs is fine (or vice versa). If you're all around sore, you should probably take a rest day. When you do ST such as Insanity you are actually causing micro tears in your muscles which need time to recover. You can do some light cardio if you really want to work out.

    [see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microtrauma]
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    If you were doing weights, I would say probably. However, if you are sore to the point where you can barely move, then yes, take some rest. However, if its just tweeks here and there, then push through. It is expected that you will be soar when starting new routines. Only you can can decide how your body feels and what you can accept.

  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Of course you can! I always do. In fact, it helps my soreness.
  • Fineraziel
    I am no professional, but I believe you should keep working out. It happened the same to me when I started working out... If you stop and wait until you are fully healed, you will get sore again and again... But if you just keep going, your muscles will get used to your new workouts and you wont be sore anymore. :)

    However, if you feel pain in your joints, thats another story! :S

    And dont forget to stretch after workout! ;)
  • jmmtaylor
    I would keep working out. That's how your muscles improve...your body repairs the muscles and they become stronger or more toned or whatever. If it's something that you just can not work through then don't do it...you have to listen to your body on that.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Thank you for all your replies! I am trying to do everything correctly, since in the past I just basically did whatever I wanted and it seems it didn't always work out. So I am trying to do my best and being most correct with my health so that I may make this healthy lifestyle change and keep the weight off and get healthy for good!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Acute pain...no. You need to rest. General soreness from muscle stiffness...work on through it!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Awesome I will continue my workouts then! Thank you all!
  • fitaliciag
    For working out muscles, you should let that muscle "group" rest at least 48 hours between a hard work out (with the exception apparently of Abs - they can be worked out daily). Basically, when you do any sort of strength training, you are breaking down the muscle fibers, and they need time to repair. When I do strength training, if I'm doing a total body work out, I do it on alternating days, and do cardio on the other days. Some folks will do upper body one day, an then lower body the next. Drinking lots of water will help flush out the lactic acid.

    As long as the pain is muscle fatigue, all is good. If it's a different kind of pain from say a sprain, then that's a whole different thing.

    i disagree with what she she about working abs daily. EVERY muscle group needs a rest once in a while. U should just focus on different muscle groups when you have the sore ones, and keep rotating muscle groups regardless as to whether they are sore or not. You should always cycle through different parts on different days. P90X is a good program for showing you that. abs are like every-other day along with your regular stuff. and I always add a lil more cardio to my already vigorous p90x workout. I have lost 30 pounds.....miss lady up there has lost 0. who do you believe?
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Rest! At least one day. You will feel invigorated.
  • alain1976
    [quote/]i disagree with what she she about working abs daily. EVERY muscle group needs a rest once in a while. U should just focus on different muscle groups when you have the sore ones, and keep rotating muscle groups regardless as to whether they are sore or not. You should always cycle through different parts on different days. P90X is a good program for showing you that. abs are like every-other day along with your regular stuff. and I always add a lil more cardio to my already vigorous p90x workout. I have lost 30 pounds.....miss lady up there has lost 0. who do you believe?

    Wow...really? I believe Cates, not because she's lost 0 - even though abs has nothing to do whatsoever with losing weight - but because she can string 2 sentences together and doesn't appear to have the academic and social maturity of a 7 year old. Abs HAVE to be worked out everyday if you want real results. All muscles are not created equally. Look things up before you start spewing out ignorance as facts.
    I know this wasn't an abs thread, but I mean...someone had to say something!
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I am beginning to sound like a stuck record here, but I say get some badger balm and massage the stiff muscles - it's wonderful!
    I say keep moving but agree with the others about the muscle group rotation.

    Oh and when did we start being rude to each other?!?!?! Give it a rest.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Thank you once again for all of your input but I have to agree with BigGail! Let's keep this a positive atmosphere! We are here to encourage one another and to learn from one another! Once again I do thank all of you for your input and I will be trying the rotation sounds like that might be a good idea! I shall keep you lovely folks posted!
  • catesalim
    Alicia is correct, I have currently lost 0 pounds since joining myfitnesspal.com... I recently signed up here, and put my current weight and goals. I've lost 50 pounds over the past two years, so I'm not entirely ignorant about the weighloss process. The abdominal workout info I mentioned above was told to me by a certified trainer. Of course, different trainers will tell you different things, and our bodies know best... of course, our heads often try to tell us to either quit or keep pushing ourselves.

    I come to these boards to find support here, not have my current weightloss of "0" slammed in my face. Alicia, that was harsh, and uncalled for.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I remember in gym class our gym teacher said you have to keep working out when you are sore or you will be more sore every time you take rests in between. She also said that the only thing that would help soreness go away is to keep working out. Unless you are injured, there is nothing wrong with working through the soreness.
  • fitaliciag
    [quote/]i disagree with what she she about working abs daily. EVERY muscle group needs a rest once in a while. U should just focus on different muscle groups when you have the sore ones, and keep rotating muscle groups regardless as to whether they are sore or not. You should always cycle through different parts on different days. P90X is a good program for showing you that. abs are like every-other day along with your regular stuff. and I always add a lil more cardio to my already vigorous p90x workout. I have lost 30 pounds.....miss lady up there has lost 0. who do you believe?

    Wow...really? I believe Cates, not because she's lost 0 - even though abs has nothing to do whatsoever with losing weight - but because she can string 2 sentences together and doesn't appear to have the academic and social maturity of a 7 year old. Abs HAVE to be worked out everyday if you want real results. All muscles are not created equally. Look things up before you start spewing out ignorance as facts.
    I know this wasn't an abs thread, but I mean...someone had to say something!

    i got my information from Tony Horton and the P90x program. look him up. he knows what he's talking about. I wasn just stating a fact, dont be a jerk