When did you start tellin a difference in your gut?

I am down 20 lbs sense i started and seem to notice weight from my face and arms but nothing from my gut, so i am wondering when did you start seeing a difference in your stomach?


  • FauxFoxx
    FauxFoxx Posts: 53 Member
    It's different for everyone. I notice my weight loss first in my stomach area. For some it's the last to go so, there is no real answer here that could help you. Just keep doing what you're doing and the weight will come off.

    Also, keep in mind spot reduction is a myth. You can do a thousand crunches every night but the fat has to come off all over, not just in one spot.
  • DringusDrungus
    DringusDrungus Posts: 12 Member
    I've been working on my diet for months (40 pounds total lost so far) but I only saw small changes in my stomach.... until I started strength training two months ago. Within weeks I saw changes in my stomach muscles. I still have 30 pounds to go before I reassess my goals, and my weight loss will probably total 100 pounds by the time I'm done-- in the meantime I can't say enough good stuff about strength training. I'm a lifelong fat person, and I've lost big chunks of weight lots of times through excessive cardio and crash/fad dieting, and it always results in being a smaller, hungrier, exhausted fat person. Not this time. I have energy, and my body is starting to function like a body should, and I'm not prone to pain and injuries anymore... after two months! I had no idea my body was capable of working this well. Some credit definitely needs to go to educating myself about nutrition, but the strength training is really what's powering me through. And let me tell you, I HATE it when I'm doing it. I'm sure I will die from all the sweating and heart pounding and pushing my sad little underused muscles, but for 48 hours after, in spite of some minor stiffness, I feel like I'm riding around in a Porche, instead of my usual broken down jalopy of a body. I avoided weights and strength training because I thought it was for men and/or manly women. That is a load of b.s. though, at least so far. From what I can see, I am still looking like a nicely rounded female, just a smaller, stronger one.
  • Brynn11mw
    Brynn11mw Posts: 7 Member
    My thing is right now I have the smallest wrists I have ever had in my life and i mean i can get my thumb and pinky and some around my wrist and it seems to just be getting smaller... its so weird lol im just hoping to see something more than my wrist and face sooner than later cuz right now i feel like i look like beetle juice at the end when his head shrinks...
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    It's different for everyone. I notice my weight loss first in my stomach area. For some it's the last to go so, there is no real answer here that could help you. Just keep doing what you're doing and the weight will come off.

    Also, keep in mind spot reduction is a myth. You can do a thousand crunches every night but the fat has to come off all over, not just in one spot.

    Same here, and I agree with all the rest.

    I have heard and in my case seems to be so....that you will lose it the opposite that you gained it. Example with me: butt, thighs. boobs, arms,face, stomach.....I am now losing it stomach, face, arms, boobs, thighs and butt
  • Brynn11mw
    Brynn11mw Posts: 7 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I started off horrendously fat. I had the big old flopping-over belly. So disgusting. It's still not flat, but there is no more roll.

    My belly and face are really the only places I see a difference. I've lost 50 pounds and My clothes have gone from 24 to 16. Other people see it. But I only see improvement in the gut and face.

    I had to lose about 30 pounds before I noticed. That's what happens when you begin at 250.

    When you begin somewhere close to normal or even overweight (not morbidly obese), you probably see it sooner.
  • bbalz
    bbalz Posts: 4 Member
    I noticed it in the same way you did. In my face, chest and my waist but not really in my belly/gut area.

    I know that I've lost some inches though because I took measurements on days 1, 11, 20, 30, 43 so far and I'm very glad I did.

    It helps to keep the measurements so you can look back and see the inches being lost on days where the scale doesn't seem to budge sometimes.

    I know it's not the exact answer you're looking for but it's something that someone told me before I started on my weigh loss and I'm sure glad I took it.

    Best of luck!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Sorry but the gut goes last. It does go though. I didn't really see anything but small reductions at first but the last 10 or 15 pounds seemed to all come from the gut.
  • TrolleyRide
    TrolleyRide Posts: 64 Member
    It varies from person to person. For many people, the gut is the last to go. I'm sure you've heard you can't spot reduce. That's true. Over time, with a reasonable calorie deficit, you will start to see a difference.
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    I used to have an issue clipping my toenails. I was an effort to get my leg up high enough to reach them. Even once I got them close enough to cut I was still horribly uncomfortable doing it. A week ago I sat on my bed and raised my foot up and cut my nails. The second I dropped my foot down I realized just how easy that was compared to before. I was not out of breath and I was way more flexible then I have ever been. Brought a smile to my face, even though it was such a small thing.
  • crfeen
    crfeen Posts: 85 Member
    It depends how heavy you are. In the past when I lost weight, my stomach was the first to go, but I've never had more than 30 pounds to lose. Plus, everyone is different!