Is there any point ?

Is there any point in buring cals.losing weight is 90 % diet and 10 % excercise right? so if i stick to a 1200 cal diet i should be losing weight !!!! a few weeks back i could barely burn 200 cals on the treadmill and now i can do 550 cals ,with no weight loss.Do u think my body is just getting more efficient at doing the cardio or getting used to it?is that why i am not losing weight?


  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    If you push through, you it will go back to loosing. I have had a couple times where this happened to me.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    The more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn (all the time, even when you're sleeping or sitting). If you're loosing a lot of weight you HAVE to exercise (specifically strength train) if you want to avoid a bunch of loose skin.

    Also, you need to constantly vary your workout routine if you want to continue to see results. The body adapts a lot faster then you'd think.
  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    For me personally I have found that I tend to lose MORE when I combine the diet and exercise. The exercise helps me wen I hit those "plateaus". When I seem like I am not losing weight through diet I exercise just a little bit more and I see the effects almost over night. I was never one to want to exercise but have seen how much of a difference it makes at least for me...Now I try to get 30 minutes each day
  • SharonsJetSet
    I think overall, exercise is good for the body. You'll build more muscle which helps you lose more fat. Its good for your heart and lungs too. You're doing great and it'll start getting better for you. Just try to look at the overall picture instead of just the numbers on the scale. :smile:
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Good Question. For Me it is ALL about My Eating habits. I lost over 75 lbs. with NO Exercise Routine; so about a month ago I began a workout routine and I have not done as well, in fact it has been a struggle. I have to remember that "Exercise" is not just a planned routine, exercise is anything that You/I DO in Addition to what it takes the Body to Live. So NOW I am back to doing what I did when I lost the 75 lbs. (day to day stuff, Stretching...) I am less hungry and My FOCUS is not split! What good will an exercise Routine do if you can't stick to an eating plan. I will say this, when I reach My Goal weight, I believe that exercise is important to help Me Maintain My Wt loss. On a low/moderate calorie eating plan many doctors do not recommend an exercise routine. Also, if a person has joint and mobility issues, it may be best that they lose weight first and do basic stretching for their mobility before they tackle an exercise routine. Frankly, if you can do normal activities, get around normally staying mobile, stretch, and are losing weight on the regular...why not incorporate an exercise routine AFTER you reach your wt loss goal, that's when it will be of most benefit anyway. Let's face it, if you have significant pounds to lose, being tired and hungry constantly will not help stay the course. Even "Jared" didn't try to run a marathon UNTIL he reached his weight loss goal!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    How about using exercise to feel better, and move better? Cut the calories for weight (it's the only way I can loose weight at my stage in life), do the moderate exercise that makes you feel good just for you. I don't need to train for a marathon. I like the way I feel when I do yoga or walk on a regular basis, though. I definately feel more springy, and mobile. It's obvious that it's good for you in general and in specific ways. And I have more energy to do more things I want to do when I do it.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    I rely on exercise for overall good health with the bonus that it aids in (my) weight loss.
    Not all weeks/months are created equal. I like to keep my workouts varied to avoid getting
    stuck in a rut. If you're only a few weeks into an exercise regiment, I doubt your body is getting used to it.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    When you lose weight you don't only lose fat. You also lose a small amount of lean muscle tissue that your body sees as being unused. That is why you see models that are skin and bone that still have a body fat percentage that is high. When you combine exercise with weight loss you are keeping your muscles active which burns more fat instead of the lean muscle. When you get to the point that you are actively increasing your lean muscle mass your metabolism increases and burns more fat. That is why a lot of athletes have high BMI's, but very low body fat percentages.

    So if you don't exercise you can lose some of the lean muscle that keeps your metabolism going. You will lose weight, but you will be flabby and your metabolism will be slower.
  • vaavamom1
    vaavamom1 Posts: 136 Member
    flabby and low metabolism -- don't want that !!!!!