Ideal body weight



  • emott84
    emott84 Posts: 108

    I think instead of focusing on what seems now like an unattainable goal, perhaps focus on a series of smaller goals, lowering your bmi or making healthier choices, more exercise, pounds lost or inches lost in smaller increments, whatever goals you have along those lines, and perhaps 104 - 140 is in your future at some point. And if not, as long as you are happy with yourself, that is what really matters, no some number a calculator spits out. Best of luck in your journey! (btw, what is your bmi? that should give you some idea where you are at, and getting that to a healthy number will have you well on your way)

    I just realized that I made it sound like I was 32 years old, instead of my BMI number. My BMI is 32 (telling me obese when I really don't feel or look obese, but probably a body frame issue, lol)
    Thanks for the advice, I'm just going to have to go at it in small goals!
  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    I did think you were 32 years old, lol, thanks for clearing that up
    and if your bmi is 32, it does not lie, and I think most of us are
    either heavier or thinner than we think we are, don't know how
    that can be, but it is, self perception can get screwed up, I would
    love to see myself how others do for just 5 minutes

    and I think the smaller goals will keep you going, because each
    time you reach one, be it looser fitting clothes, or inches or pounds
    lost, more energy, whatever it might be, will keep you moving towards
    your ultimate goal

    friend me if you like, we can encourage each other, I am just about
    done losing weight, but maintenance will be a bear too I bet.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I am 5"8' Male and happy weight was 143lbs????!!!! WTF? That would be a VERY unhappy weight for me, I would be a stick! :P I have been down to 149lbs once in adult life and I was weak and unhealthy IMO. Currently 170lbs.

    Healthy weight range is very subjective. I know on a lot of bodybuilding sites it is a good thing to be considered obese or morbidly obese by the BMI standards :)
  • My happy weight shows to be in the low 170s. I'm 6'3" tall. My goal is 180 and right now I'm at 190. People, including my wife have been telling me to stop since I got to 200.

    This ideal weight calculator is in agreement with most of the others out there. I have measured my bones and those measurements show me to be just a little into the small frame range or right on the edge of small to medium.

    I would get lots of complaints if I went to 170. People are used to seeing overweight people and I think it skews their view of what normal looks like. I will reassess when I get to 180.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Thank you. :)
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I think using the MFP site to determine a healthy weight provides good insight, but there are also many medical sites you can visit as well. Your number once source of input on this should be your personal medical doctor, who knows all of your health issues.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    thanks for sharing...i also really like this one: because 'ideal weights' for me don't always take into account body type...the 'happy weight' this gives me is pretty accurate to where i want to be :)

    According to this site, my happy weight should be what I started MFP at and I definitely wasn't happy there! I've actually lowered my goal weight another 7 lbs. because I think I can get there and that will be a much happier, maintainable weight. It's truly about how you feel in your body.

    its just a true testament to the variability of how people are and how our bodies vary! the 'people's choice' weight on the first site for me was 7-8 lbs below the 'happy weight' that i am personally more comfortable with for myself and my body type...could i get to the lower weight and look even better than i do now, sure, but knowing myself i couldn't maintain it happily...using this site has made me realize that there are so many more factors playing into being a 'healthy weight' than i ever imagined and it has actually made me appreciate my body more :)
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