To the people who workout at home.....



  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    A) What equipment do you use?

    My Pilates Reformer, a weighted hula-hoop, dumbbells, kettlebells, a mat, various resistance bands, mini-stepper, wrist/ankle weights, a pull up bar and I also have a ton of workout dvd's that I use. I'm currently researching quality treadmills for the fall/winter. The area I live in is completely flat and I would love to start training to walk uphill so I can hike up a mountain next year! That's a huge fitness goal of mine I'm going to conquer. Just need to make sure I will use it before making the big investment.

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc?

    I do but just during the colder weather months. It helps keep me focused and challenged especially during the holidays and when it's cold out. I enjoy doing personal challenges, doing them with my online fitness friends or joining online groups. I've done Chalene Extreme three times over the past 3 years (progressing with weights each time), T25, 30 Day Shred twice and Supreme 90 Day Workout. I'm eyeing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution or Cathe Friedrich's Shock Training System for the upcoming fall/winter.

    I also use Lesile Sansone workouts several times per week and Youtube videos.

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg?

    I have dumbbells ranging from 3 lbs - 30 lbs. I mostly use the 8 - 15 lb range. The lighter ones are the more lighter weights/more reps workouts which I consider cardio and not strength training and the heavier ones are more for squats and lunges etc.

    D) How long do you workout for?

    I workout twice a day most of the week anywhere between 30 mins - 1.5 hours. First thing in the morning after washing my face/brushing my teeth and drinking a glass of water I workout fasted doing 15 - 20 mins. of cardio or HIIT and 10 - 15 mins. of strength/resistance/bodyweight training. In the evening a couple of hours after dinner I will either get outside and briskly walk for 3 - 5 miles or use a Leslie Sansone dvd. I mix things up though. Sometimes I get a heavier workout in in the morning and none at night or vice versa or 2 quick workouts. It all depends on how my body is feeling and the time I have.

    E) How many times a week?

    7 days per week with active rest days as needed. Monday - Wednesday - Fridays I focus on my upper body and Tuesday - Thursday - Saturdays I focus on my lower body.

    Also your general feedback about workout out at home over the gym.

    I never minded using a gym especially fitness classes. I've just seen a lot of unclean things and people when I used to go that still makes me squirm. I decided to take the money I was using for a gym membership and slowly invest in my home gym. It has been the best decision ever. I can work out anytime of the day, I'm the only person using my things and most importantly there are no excuses not to workout (weather, time, don't feel like driving etc.)

    Now that's enough typing - it's time to go workout...

  • KatiePapaya
    A) Dumbbells, a pull up bar, and random household objects in place of things I don't have (e.g. a bit of wood propped up to serve as a bench, chairs used for dips etc.)
    B) Nope...
    C) 4-6KG per arm, 8KG on a good day, so about 16KG altogether (I try and lift as heavy as I can, but dumbbells are expensive! £36 for the 10KG set!!! :sad: )
    D) 30 minutes to an hour if I'm just in the house
    E) Five days a week, with a bonus day if I'm feeling up to it
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    A) What equipment do you use?

    gym ball, squat rack, foldable bench, adjustable dumbells and barbells, pull up bar, resistance band (plus high painting platform for step-ups, back of chairs for dips... etc)

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc?


    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg?

    i have a total of ~170kg worth of plates. i squat around 50-60kg, bench around 30-40kg and deadlift 70-80kg

    D) How long do you workout for?

    until im done. usually around an hour.

    E) How many times a week? 

    lifting 4x a week. cardio 2x a week (jog in the nearby park)

    id like to state though, that it might sound quite a bit, yet i have limited space, and my 'gym' is in my living room, in my first floor flat, opposed to some lucky buggers who have an entire garage to themselves. *envious*
    you dont necessarily need a huge space, thats all im saying.
    budget is a different story, but nowadays you can buy pretty much everything online. majority of my gear is off amazon, ebay or argos.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    A) What equipment do you use? Dumbbells, medicine ball, kettlebells, my own body weight

    B) Do you use any dvds, insanity, 30 day challenges etc? I use free workouts at the moment, occasional Jillian MIchaels kickboxing DVD, and run 3-5 miles near my house. In the past have used other Jillian DVDs, and the Nike Training Club app

    C) How heavy do you lift if you use weights... ie what kg? I would prefer to tone, so I am thinking lighter weights but more reps. I have 8-30lb dumbbell sets (I think that's around 3-14kg?)No fear of bulking - I lift as heavy as I can with what I've got - I wish I had money and space for full barbells, but building muscle takes some serious heavy lifting and a calorie surplus, and quite a bit of time.

    D) How long do you workout for? Average about 60 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week. Always at least one rest day.