Need Help

Hi All - I have spent my whole life being underweight (was only around 94 lbs). I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid 6 years ago & gained loads of weight. I have been doing MFP since around February & going to the gym 4 or 5 times a week. In 4 months I have only lost 5 lbs & no change to my measurements either. My biggest problem seems to be that I don't eat enough as I usually only eat when I'm hungry. I have no idea about nutrition etc. I can burn 400 calories in the gym & then not have anything to eat because I just don 't feel hungry, most days I struggle just to get to the 1200 MFP set for me. I am 5' 0" and currently around 151 lbs. I am looking to lose 32 lbs. It's just disheartening when I get weighed at gym & find I've put weight on. I have been told I need to eat more as I am putting my body into starvation mode but what I don't get is my eating habits are the same as they have always been (except when I was thinner I used to eat loads of chocolate, crisps & fizzy drinks & didn't do exercise but always stayed at 6 1/2 stone) so why did my body not go into starvation mode then?