How to Stay Motivated to Lose THE LAST 10 POUNDS!

ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
This has been an ongoing thing for me since I lost the first 18 pounds more then six months ago. I managed to get down to 140 from 158 and have been stuck there (plus or minus 2 pounds) ever since!!!

It happens like clock work. I start monitoring my portions, eating healthier foods, watching my calorie intake, and BOOM! I'm down a couple of pounds in no time. Sounds great and I should have nothing to complain about EXCEPT that as soon as I see that 2 pound loss on the scale something happens (self-sabotage maybe?) and within a matter of days I have cracked and gained back the weight that I lost. I swear I have not seen the scale go below 138 pounds since this pattern began lol.

As far as I can tell the "crack" in my dieting composure starts with the rationalization that I am already at a healthy weight for my body type. I already fit into a size that I am reasonably comfortable with, and I feel reasonably comfortable in my clothes and in my skin. I also seem to have lost some support across the board (friends/family/bf) because I am already maintaining a healthy weight. No one thinks twice to offer junk food, suggest take out, or bring home treats.

I'm tackling those first two pounds again this week, but would appreciate any tips or insight someone might have to get me over the hump and onto the next 8 of the last 10 pounds!!!


  • I'm right there with you. I've lost 31 pounds and I have six more to go, but this last week I have been so lax about my calories for many of the same reasons you mentioned. Help!
  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    it could have been me writing your post! LOL i started at roughly 150 and when i got to 140, i just couldnt get the scale to move. i wish i had an answer for you but then i would have the knowledge for myself also lol

    i just pushed past that hump and it took a lot considering halloween just passed :P

    feel free to add me as we have a common goal and both "dont have to lose the weight, we just want to"

    hope you get over the hump!
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    Good to know that I'm not alone :)! Being where I am really makes me appreciate the people who do reach their goal weights. Hopefully I'll be one of them soon!
  • funky_stripes
    funky_stripes Posts: 119 Member
    Same boat and it's pissin me off... Need help
  • briy7845
    briy7845 Posts: 1
    I'm soooo glad I'm not alone in faltering a little bit along the stretch to lose the last 10lbs. I started at 163 and I'm down to 144. I've been disciplined and focused for the past few months and I hadn't succumbed to compulsive eating/binge eating. Now, for some reason, all my food demons are coming out, when I'm in the home stretch and I've given in to compulsive eating several times in the past 2 weeks. Self sabotage? I don' t know. I feel shameful when I have to enter my weight for the week online and there's no change or there's a slight gain.

    I guess I just have to press through and remember why I'm doing this in the first place before I let temptation take over in the heat of the moment. I mean, I'm in it for a lifestyle change, a long-term committment, so I've got to build in good habits now too and non-food coping mechanisms, so I can maintain a normal weight for my health and wellbeing, not just focus on the scale.
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