does weight watchers work?



  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Weight watchers is an excellent program that teaches portion control and highly encourages you to eat veggies and fruits.

    It's not magic by the way that WW has most veggies and fruits at zero points. WW gives you less calories per day than fitness pal would, but makes up for it by allowing you all the veggies and fruits you want. The reason of course being that veggies and fruits are good for you and it's hard to over eat them. I dare you to try and eat 800 calories worth of brocolli.

    I started off using weight watchers and transitioned to fitness pal after. The only two things I don't like about weight watchers is the cost and always having to convert everything to points. I'm going to be calorie counting for life so I might as well save $20 a month and start counting actual calories.

    Would I recommend Weight Watchers to a friend? yes, in a heart beat. Great program.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    To answer your question, yes, it does work.

    Weight loss is calories in vs calories out. That doesn't change if it's WW, MFP, Jenny Craig, or something else. Weight Watchers just hides calorie counting in their Points system, but that doesn't change it.

    I found more success and visibility into my eating/exercise patters here on MFP because I'm tracking calories, not some made up marketing formula. I learned more about what I'm eating and how I'm using that energy by just tracking the calories and other nutritional information. Bonus points for MFP being free. All I was really doing on WW was paying someone else so I could count calories.
  • mewickla
    mewickla Posts: 71 Member
    I know a lot of people will promote MFP because it's free and WW is kinda spendy. For me, spending that extra cash and having to weigh-in once a week in front of someone else really helped me. It also made me more aware, as many other people have mentioned, of what's in the foods (not just how many calories) and portion sizes.

    A lot of people also complain about the "free" points of fruits and veggies. You're really only supposed to have 5 servings (I believe it was 5) of them, and those servings are worked into your daily points allowance already.

    One thing that I never liked about WW is that it always seems to be older ladies who are there, which obviously has nothing to do with the program itself. At all the meetings I went to (even in different towns), it was about 1/4 middle-aged women and 3/4 borderline-elderly. However, they were mostly all very nice so it wasn't really that big of a deal ... it can just be nice to have someone similar in age to relate to.

    Anyways, I would say it's a good program if you're kinda new to the whole "weight-loss/lifestyle change" or if you need it for more accountability. WW can teach you some really useful tools that you can then take and use on your own.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    My favorite part of WW is you get more food. With there system all fruits and most veggies are FREE, so you aren't counting those. Basically you can snack on them anytime you are hungry without going over your daily allowance.

    The problem with this is that you CAN overeat on healthy food. While they may be "free" points-wise, they are NOT free calorie wise. Yeah, most veggies are low in calories, but some fruits can pack a hefty punch. If you eat all of your points then start eating fruit because it's free, you can overeat calorie wise and still gain weight.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Any diet program would work. When i did weight watchers 6 years ago I lost about 70 pounds. Problem was i stopped the program and stopped counting calories and the weight came back in a matter of minutes. Any program you do, you need to remember that there is no magic formula they are trying to sell you. They show you how to eat smaller portion sizes, get your fruits and veggies, and offer you ways to eat healthy.

    The pro about weight watchers (if you do it in person in a WW Center) is the lectures and community aspect.

    The cons about weight watchers is the overall cost. There is nothing you can achieve at weight watchers that you can not already do here on MFP for free. No matter what program you do decide to do, you will have to make a conscious effort to eat better, exercise more, and change your lifestyle.

    I wish you all the best and good luck!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    The pro about weight watchers (if you do it in person in a WW Center) is the lectures and community aspect.
    This is the main difference I find in WW and MFP. Some people need a face to face group and person for accountability. WW is the number one rated weight loss center for a reason. But as previous posters have stated all of them work if you work the program and if you don't give up trying to find your path in whichever road you decide to use. Best wishes to you on your journey.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Find what works for you!

    I do Slimming world and MFP..... And running!

    I do NOT go with Slimming World's whole "free foods" and "super free food", its a falicy and i've seen people in tears wondering why they put lbs on in group then you hear how they loaded up massive plates of "free foods" that end up being very high in kcals.

    I use Slimming world to support others and be supported. Yes its great getting people on MFP and facebook saying oh well done on weight loss... WTG!!! Great job! Etc. But its even better working with others and seeing the results in real life, see the real smiles and tears of success :).

    I used MFP before on an old account on its own and followed my kcals, lost loads of weight but I never learned from that experience on how to maintain because my view on food and my mindset hadn't changed. I still hated exercise, even at m lowest weight!! Slimming world and the forums have completely changed that now, I see food differently, before I was a fat guy in a smaller guys body completely unprepared for maintainance.... Now I have the food knowledge and a love for exercise.

    I ran my first 5k last month and I never thought i would be able to do it! I wouldn't have done it at my lowest weight, but now I can do it only having lost 43lbs. I have a long way to go, but this time my mind is already set for maintaince.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    The problem with this is that you CAN overeat on healthy food. While they may be "free" points-wise, they are NOT free calorie wise. Yeah, most veggies are low in calories, but some fruits can pack a hefty punch. If you eat all of your points then start eating fruit because it's free, you can overeat calorie wise and still gain weight.

    This x1000000

    Seen it time after time at slimming world groups, theres no such thing as free food! MFP will show you where WW and SW fails.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    It works in the same way counting calories works. Save the money.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    If you eat all of your points then start eating fruit because it's free, you can overeat calorie wise and still gain weight.
    How much fruit would you eat in a day if you were trying to learn to eat healthy and lose weight? 400 calories maybe? That is well within what they 'budget in'. Your points goal isn't your calorie goal. And if you don't lose on the plan as is, they tell you to take a look at your fruit intake and see if it's reasonable.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    It works in the same way counting calories works. Save the money.

    It works in the same way except if you want more inclusive face to face support.
    I'm very lucky to have a family who are 1000% on board with supporting me and changing their ways too... Not everyone is so lucky and the extra support from a group sitting can keep you on track.

    I love all my MFP friends, but its no comparison to suceeding alongside human beings face to face.

    If money is not an issue then why not? If support isn't something you need then why bother?

    Find what works for you.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    It works in the same way counting calories works. Save the money.

    It works in the same way except if you want more inclusive face to face support.
    I'm very lucky to have a family who are 1000% on board with supporting me and changing their ways too... Not everyone is so lucky and the extra support from a group sitting can keep you on track.

    I love all my MFP friends, but its no comparison to suceeding alongside human beings face to face.

    If money is not an issue then why not? If support isn't something you need then why bother?

    Find what works for you.
    Exactly!! And sometimes we really need to evaluate it when we use money as an excuse not to pay for WW. True some really can not afford WW but others can if they evaluate how much extra money they spend on fast and junk food or other none essentials. Ask yourself am I worth it?

    Again, find what works for you and whatever plan you use, never give up until you find a lifestyle change for you. Keep pressing forward!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    It all works. People just have to follow it and follow the suggestions.

    Weight Watchers works only if you do as well. Weight Watchers worked for me but MFP also works and it's free. If you want to spend money then buy some exercise clothes and a food scale and stick to MFP.

    I was in WW for years. always got to my goal eventually. Went through a variety of changes to their program. I had a wonderful instructor and made a bunch of friends who lasted for a while, one of whom, I'm friendly with for over 15 years.

    MFP, I've been here for about two years, lost the weight I wanted to, went through the death of my mom and have changed my lifestyle approach to nutrition and fitness. Doesn't cost me a thing except for what I put into it.

    six of one, half dozen of the other.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    WW worked well for me the first time I joined, after my first baby. Years later, I tried it again several times with no real success.
    Why did it work in 1989? Because initially it was based on exchanges, like the Diabetic diet. You ate a balanced diet of Protein, Fat, Carbs, etc. You were limited to 3 servings of starchy carbs per day, and 6 servings of Protein, and 3 servings of Fat. Add in 2 milk exchanges and 2 fruit, plus unlimited non starch veggies, and it was a solid health plan. I lost all my baby weight plus more, and changed my eating habits so I kept the weight off for many years.

    Then they went to the Points system and basically you could use all your points on donuts if you wanted. Gone was the nutritional counseling. I was so frustrated as to why I couldn't lose weight when I was staying within my points. No one knew anything about Insulin resistance, or PCOS and their effect on your diet. The original exchange program was much lower carb and higher protein than the average diet, and that is why it worked so well for me. Took me joining MFP to find out that bit of info.

    MFP is better in the regards that you count calories and macros. Much easier to find that info on a label than how many WW points is costs.

    If you need the accountability of weighing in every week, and the group meetings, then give it a go.
    But whatever you try, nothing will work without YOU working it. There is no magic program.
  • PrincessTinyheart
    PrincessTinyheart Posts: 679 Member
    I had great success with the old WW system (when it based points on calories, fat and fiber) but the new system bases points on fiber, fat, carbs and protein and this didn't work for me at all. I actually GAINED weight. I think it was the "zero point" fruit on the new system. I eat a lot of fruit.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    If money is an issue another program to try is TOPS. I tried it but it was too social for me. I was not looking for a social club.
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 393 Member
    WW worked well for me the first time I joined, after my first baby. Years later, I tried it again several times with no real success.
    Why did it work in 1989? Because initially it was based on exchanges, like the Diabetic diet. You ate a balanced diet of Protein, Fat, Carbs, etc. You were limited to 3 servings of starchy carbs per day, and 6 servings of Protein, and 3 servings of Fat. Add in 2 milk exchanges and 2 fruit, plus unlimited non starch veggies, and it was a solid health plan. I lost all my baby weight plus more, and changed my eating habits so I kept the weight off for many years.

    Then they went to the Points system and basically you could use all your points on donuts if you wanted. Gone was the nutritional counseling. I was so frustrated as to why I couldn't lose weight when I was staying within my points. No one knew anything about Insulin resistance, or PCOS and their effect on your diet. The original exchange program was much lower carb and higher protein than the average diet, and that is why it worked so well for me. Took me joining MFP to find out that bit of info.

    MFP is better in the regards that you count calories and macros. Much easier to find that info on a label than how many WW points is costs.

    If you need the accountability of weighing in every week, and the group meetings, then give it a go.
    But whatever you try, nothing will work without YOU working it. There is no magic program.

    I totally agree with this. I lost about 20 lbs. on the 'old' WW program, my DH lost 55 lbs. And we kept it off for 5+ years. I looked at the new points system when my neighbor began WW, and I tried it for about 6 weeks. For me, it wasn't worth the money. Too free-floating, and non-nutrient oriented. MFP has been what I needed to lose 21 lbs. - and it's free.
  • Jkj95
    Jkj95 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm sure it works, but it costs money when you could just enter in your calories and exercise in MFP.
  • gloriann1
    gloriann1 Posts: 27 Member
    I did WW in high school. My least favorite part of it was the meetings. In particular, the mantra "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle!" No, it was a diet.

    Leader: Isn't it great that you can lose weight and not be hungry!?
    Me: (Raises hand) No, I am hungry all of the time.
    Leader: (Dumbfounded look; a soldier has broken rank)
    Another lady: (Hand shoots up) ME TOO.
    Leader: (Fake understanding nod and nervously moves on to the next topic.)

    I may have been too sassy for Weight Watchers....