Where to start back up at?

I had to take a break from working out for over a month due to have some bad poison ivy... I did do some here and there but not everyday like I was. I was working out on my elliptical 90 min a day. Yesterday, just because of time restraints, I only got in 50 min. Should I start back at where I was before, or ease into it? I did fine yesterday and I rarely do more than 30 min at a time....


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    if you feel fine then i say go for it, i dont imagine you lost much cardiovascular strength over the course of just one month
  • eversmj
    eversmj Posts: 40
    Cardiovascular endurance is the least persistent type of fitness, ie it's the first to go during a layoff. But yeah, if you feel fine I'd work back to your normal workload without much delay.