I'm back....again

I've been here many times over the last 7 years but I am hoping this is the time I stay for good and lose the weight and keep it off. About 5 years ago I lost 50 pounds and felt great. I didn't reach my goal, but I was very happy at that weight and felt beautiful but I've gained it all back plus some.

I just had a baby, my daughter is three months old today and the love of my life. Unfortunately I had gestational diabtetes while pregnant, but fortunately the diet I had to stick to enabled me to not gain a single pound during my pregnancy and I even lost some weight. After she was born thanks to nursing and not having time to eat I lost 32 pounds very quickly, but have since gained back 16. I want to take advantage of my head start while I still have it and lose. Up until now I've been trying to follow my diabetic diet and while not perfect have been doing pretty well, but every week I keep gaining. So here I am.

My first goal weight is to lose 24 pounds by Christmas, but ultimately I would like to lose about 60 pounds. Looking forward to re-connect with people and make new friends.
