Losing motivation

I was very motivated after i had my first baby in february. I was 216 lbs at the tine i gave borth and managed to get down to 165 by the beginning of june, however the past few weeks ive given in to eating out and stopped counting calories and measuring my food and exercising. Of course, i gaibed 4 lbs and am now severely depressed i worked so hard only to gain back 4 lbs in a couple of wks. When i gain weight i become even less motivated and just want to give up. It upsets me to watch tv and see women with children that are thin or in shape because it makes me wish i was. I am still far from my goal of 135 and i wonder if i will ever get there. I know it takes a long time to lose weight but at this rate it may take me yrs and i am only 35 away from my goal.


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Congrats your baby! I also had a baby in February! YAY!

    All I can say is remember how you felt at 216lbs - do you really want to go back there again because if you allow yourself to stop working that could very well happen! Time is going to go by anyway, would you rather spend that time gaining weight and feeling bad about yourself or working hard and feeling AWESOME? The choice is yours girl!

    You WILL get there but ONLY if you get back up and get on it. If it helps, it took me 5 YEARS to lose 100lbs. If you break that down it means I lost 20lbs per year. Breaking that down further that means I lost less than 2lbs per MONTH! I can't even imagine where I'd be now if I gave up!

    Stay the course, you KNOW what it takes to get to your goal. As long as you keep going you WILL get there even if it takes a little longer than expected!

    Feel free to friend me! :)
  • Stargazer84mt
    Stargazer84mt Posts: 4 Member
    Hang in there. I know it's discouraging to gain back some of the weight you've lost. I had a similar experience this year. Just think of how far you've come already and remember that you just have to pick yourself up and keep going. It will have time but if you stick with it you'll get there.
  • LaxJac
    LaxJac Posts: 52 Member
    You have had wonderful results so far, and the fact that you understand and acknowledge your situation is the biggest thing, People get in real trouble when they deny or ignore their choices. You aren't doing this, so break the cycle, get back on track and see the results roll off. I have gone through similar spells, and dread getting back into the routine, but the first day I do the days following are much easier. You will reach your goal.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Daisy, this is all very normal. Break your journey down to smaller achievable goals don't try to see 35 pounds into the future, look at each decision each day and ask yourself if what you are doing supports your true goals. It is through this you will get your motivation to become the person you want to be.

    You are 41 pounds down on the "old you" of 216! You know this person very well, you know they know how to lose 41 pounds.... Be proud of this person - of yourself and listen to what they have to tell you; you are capable of incredible things.

    What things do you want to do that a healthier, fitter you wants to do, be and achieve? What do you want to experience in life and why is it important to you to lose this extra baggage of weight you are carrying around.

    For me I remind myself that I live a fortunate, abundant life that I no longer need to carry extra weight with me on my waist as I did in the past. That it is more important that I have energy for life and that being a healthy weight and eating well are supportive of this - I have much less head aches now, more energy to get through the day, I am less irritable and more pleasant to be around than in my case the 255 lb person I was 5 years ago. Looking back I have great respect and admiration of this larger version of me because he had the strength to say enough and the courage to change his life in the long term.
  • bybyadipocytes
    bybyadipocytes Posts: 51 Member
    I can totally relate.

    I struggled to lose my baby weight and after losing 40lbs, bam, I got pregnant with twins. Talk about demoralizing. Anyway long story short It took my a couple years but I am feeling sexier than ever before. You know your body can do amazing things. It has many more amazing things to show you it can do.

    Congrats on the weight loss so far. You obviously know what you're doing, just find something that can motivate you on those bad days.