Why Does Depression Lead to Mindless Eating?

albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
I don't normally binge under pressure or stress. In fact I have never done that.

My sister just told me some unsettling news about family member and now I feel some what panicking and just want to put food in my mouth...:brokenheart:

Why does this occur? can someone explain from the medical stand point?

Last but not least I hope everyone has a healthy life and healthy family. :flowerforyou:


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Coping mechanism
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    It's a comfort thing. Food makes us feel comfortable and safe.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Yes, some people react this way. It's a way to provide comfort where it's suddenly lacking in other areas.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    If you're binging on the usual culprits (cakes, cookies, chips) these foods trigger pleasure centers in the brain. That is the sole purpose of eating these foods at all, in fact. No one eats them for their nutritional value.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    If you're binging on the usual culprits (cakes, cookies, chips) these foods trigger pleasure centers in the brain. That is the sole purpose of eating these foods at all, in fact. No one eats them for their nutritional value.

    umm...binge on carrots?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I cant seem able to concentrate at work right now...
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    If you're binging on the usual culprits (cakes, cookies, chips) these foods trigger pleasure centers in the brain. That is the sole purpose of eating these foods at all, in fact. No one eats them for their nutritional value.

    umm...binge on carrots?

    That's definitely not the typical binge food.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    why does it occur? idk, i guess its similair to 'self medicating' with recreational drugs.

    something good happens = i want to eat

    something bad happens = i want to eat

    and its not really even like i'm sitting there enjoying it either

    but just knowing that you have that potential pitfall and owning it gives you half a chance of stopping it on a case by case basis
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    If you're binging on the usual culprits (cakes, cookies, chips) these foods trigger pleasure centers in the brain. That is the sole purpose of eating these foods at all, in fact. No one eats them for their nutritional value.

    umm...binge on carrots?

    That's definitely not the typical binge food.

    I just finished 3 servings of trader joe's chicken breast...
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    It's a coping mechanism. Some people find it comforting.

    When I get stressed or sad news, I don't eat. It isn't healthy and doesn't make me feel better, but I'm not focusing on myself or making sure I'm taking care of myself. It's almost like not eating is one thing I can control when everything else spirals out of control. I'm working on trying to get better about this though.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    If you're binging on the usual culprits (cakes, cookies, chips) these foods trigger pleasure centers in the brain. That is the sole purpose of eating these foods at all, in fact. No one eats them for their nutritional value.

    umm...binge on carrots?

    That's definitely not the typical binge food.

    I just finished 3 servings of trader joe's chicken breast...

    Take a deep breath and step away from the food, give your belly time to register all that protein. Don't make yourself sick!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I cant seem able to concentrate at work right now...

    Just try to take it moment by moment. I understand that is easier said than done, just do the best that you can.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    When I'm really depressed, I tend to withdraw, I lose my appetite completely, don't even want to look at food, much less eat anything.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    If you're binging on the usual culprits (cakes, cookies, chips) these foods trigger pleasure centers in the brain. That is the sole purpose of eating these foods at all, in fact. No one eats them for their nutritional value.

    umm...binge on carrots?

    That's definitely not the typical binge food.

    I just finished 3 servings of trader joe's chicken breast...

    that really doesn't sound so bad. i wish that was my go to emotional food lol.

    for me its usually ice cream and candy bars with some chex mix on the side lol
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    When I'm really depressed, I tend to withdraw, I lose my appetite completely, don't even want to look at food, much less eat anything.

    I think I might be still in shock...maybe that will come later...
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I cant seem able to concentrate at work right now...

    Just try to take it moment by moment. I understand that is easier said than done, just do the best that you can.

    thank you dear...tears in my eyes..
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    If you're binging on the usual culprits (cakes, cookies, chips) these foods trigger pleasure centers in the brain. That is the sole purpose of eating these foods at all, in fact. No one eats them for their nutritional value.

    umm...binge on carrots?

    That's definitely not the typical binge food.

    I just finished 3 servings of trader joe's chicken breast...

    that really doesn't sound so bad. i wish that was my go to emotional food lol.

    for me its usually ice cream and candy bars with some chex mix on the side lol

    because that's all I have here with me in my office...
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    People who suffer from depression have faulty brain chemistry. Things like seratonin and dopamine can be out of whack or low. Dopamine is the chemical that makes us feel happy. It has evolved with us in order to reward us for eating food to survive or having sex to reproduce.

    When depressed your dopamine levels can be very low, and one of the things your brain knows will flood your brain with dopamine is food, usually fatty and sweet is best. So the more anxious of unhappy you get the stronger the brain calls out for dopamine. It is something that is very hard to overcome, but you can do it given time. But you are gonna need willpower to get past the certain aspects of it.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I dont know you...but I hope things work out for you...and dont beat yourself up, if you slip, no sense in dealing with one more thing to feel bad about.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    People who suffer from depression have faulty brain chemistry. Things like seratonin and dopamine can be out of whack or low. Dopamine is the chemical that makes us feel happy. It has evolved with us in order to reward us for eating food to survive or having sex to reproduce.

    When depressed your dopamine levels can be very low, and one of the things your brain knows will flood your brain with dopamine is food, usually fatty and sweet is best. So the more anxious of unhappy you get the stronger the brain calls out for dopamine. It is something that is very hard to overcome, but you can do it given time. But you are gonna need willpower to get past the certain aspects of it.

    After all these years of descipline and self destruction, I feel I have no will power left. :( but thank you for the information