Whats your drive



  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Seeing my 5 year old grow up , plain and simple. I was 265lbs with my blood pressure at 132/100 with maxed meds. Was tired of the gout attacks every month, feeling tired to play with my son outside, clothes to tight. When I think I'm about to giveup, all I do is think of my son, that's my motivation. 8) keep Motivated Everyone and enjoy your new healthy you 8)
  • Grnhouse
    Grnhouse Posts: 254 Member
    What has you on this journey ?? Is it an ex boyfriend/girlfriend , a class reunion, a certain outfit ?? For me it is all about health, and those jeans, you know the ones, I want to wear those again lol

    Being healthy is my quest on this journey along with being able to wear a pair of skinny jeans.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    My health. I've always hated my body too. But after I had my daughter I gained soo much weight. I made it to 271. I'm 5ft 3, so that was horrible. I also stopped having cycles and was told if that happened for a long time I could get cancer. That scared me so much I went home and found mfp again. I had tried it before and failed. This time I won't let it happed.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I don't want to be fat and gross anymore. Plain and simple.

  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Am I the only guy in here who loves clothes?
  • 949BeachMom
    I want to be healthy and avoid becoming diabetic. I was an exotic dancer before getting married & pregnant 2 years ago so needless to say , I want to get back on the pole without bending it or bringing down the foundation of my home. Lol that would be so funny .
  • Arne_becomesxXx
    Arne_becomesxXx Posts: 504 Member
    Am I the only guy in here who loves clothes?

    Am with you.....Wanne fit into my old jeans and shirts without looking like a sausage.
    I want to look hot and sexy!

    But officially its just for the health, so psssst! :wink:
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I want to have kids someday and they will have a strong family history of diabetes on both sides (their dad, his mother, my brother, my grandmother), I want to model good habits from them from conception onward (tastes in the amniotic fluid) and be at a weight during pregnancy that will reduce my chances of gestational diabetes.
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    I have never in my life, EVER, been a normal weight. I've been obese (and now morbidly obese) for as long as I can remember. I just want to be healthy, I want to know what it feels like to move around without the extra weight.
  • jakkidoodles
    jakkidoodles Posts: 103
    My god yes! About the never having been a normal weight. I can't put my finger on what my drive is. It started out that I wanted to be healthy and strong. I guess I have a few reason, similar to a few of yours..... Kids, longing to not have to visit the big girl section in shops (this is almost about to stop so BIG NSV for me coming soon!), I want to look good for my other half- I know he says he fancies whatever size I am, but I know his ex g/f was a size 8 and it makes me feel insecure- but that's all me, not him making me feel that way. Big picture of it I guess is this: Last year we went to Croyde on holiday. It's a surfer's paradise. There is an amazing shop on site that sells lovely lovely brightly coloured surfer girl clothes. My SO had saved up so he could spoil me, but the only thing he could buy me was a man's hoodie XXL, a wallet and a bag. No girls clothes would fit as they only go up to a 16. I then had a picture taken of me on the beach with my baby son. I loved EVERYTHING about that picture apart from my weight. I think my exact words were "Am I really that big?" So, we are heading back to Croyde in 2 months and 2 days. I have lost 50lbs and though i'm nowhere near a 16 (UK) yet, I feel confident that he can spoil me and buy me some clothes that I will fit into a month or 2 later. I am presently going from a size 22 to a 20, and I've actually ordered a pair of 18 jeans because my 20's are falling down and it's getting silly now. my son was a pain in the *kitten* while shopping last night- wouldn't go in the trolley, woudn't hold my hand, running off laughing, so I have to carry him while he struggled to free the clutches of his evil mother, meanwhile my jeans were halfway down my *kitten*......
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    My mom was recently diagnosed as a diabetic in part because of her weight. My grandmother is diatebic and her mother before her. Every single one of them is over weight. Both of my parents have high blood pressure. My primary reason is for health. I want to minimize my weight related health issues as much as possible by loosing weight. I have never, ever, been at a healthy weight (except for maybe when I was a 4 year old) I want to be active. I want more energy. I don't want my knees to hurt when I climb stairs (which I'm now proud to say they don't hurt as much anymore).

    It's not that I have a self-confidence problem, I don't, Even though I'm overweight I'm comfortable in my skin. I feel great in a swimsuit at the beach. I have "skinny" friends who have less self confidence than I do. I know I'm not smoking hot and that's cool but a small vain part of me would love to have a hot body. I would love to shop in stores that aren't specialty shops for bigger girls. I want to buy pretty lingerie, and those sexy hot pants and shirts. I'm currently a size 24 (probably down to a 20 or 22 now, all of my clothing is baggy) but I'm aiming for a size 8-10 in 5 years. I think it's possible.
  • splashtree2
    splashtree2 Posts: 277
    What has you on this journey ?? Is it an ex boyfriend/girlfriend , a class reunion, a certain outfit ?? For me it is all about health, and those jeans, you know the ones, I want to wear those again lol

    Mine is about adopting a kid, so i wanna keep it up and have the energy to play with him, anyway i train since 11 years!
  • wrongway1950
    I am doing this for my health(want to get off high blood pressure meds, high cholesterol meds, and have be diagnosed as being hypoglycemic) I also want to be a role model for my bff as she worries me at the weight she is now. I also got a fitbit flex for both of us to help keep us motivated and having it link with MFP is a bonus.
  • TminusFitnessN321
    TminusFitnessN321 Posts: 58 Member
    For me, I want to look better and become more healthy and happy in my skin.
  • MN_HGirl
    MN_HGirl Posts: 15 Member
    It started out that I could no longer fit in my horse show clothes (which are expensive) and then I saw how after I lost some weight my numbers looked better (blood pressure, etc). My mother is very overweight and my sister would fit in the obese category.I see how they struggle to get up and down the stairs and doing everyday things. I do not want to get there! My family also has a history of high blood pressure, my dad who is healthy weight has high blood pressure, so does my mother and two older sisters.
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    I don't want to wear maternity clothes nor have to shop in the plus sized section.
    I've managed to get out of those sections, now, but still want to keep going :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I like looking good, I like being fit, I like being strong, I like being healthy and I'm hoping to live a long and fruitful life and looking forward to spending those twilight years with my wife tooling around the world rather than in some hospital or home.
  • Libby283
    Libby283 Posts: 288 Member
    What has you on this journey ?? Is it an ex boyfriend/girlfriend , a class reunion, a certain outfit ?? For me it is all about health, and those jeans, you know the ones, I want to wear those again lol

    My fat sizes are 12's. I want to wear a bikini and not look like a cow. I want to be the skinny friend in the crowds I hang amongst. I want to be able to scarf up all the small sizes left in the clearance rack.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    My wedding in September, I want to look as healthy as I possibly and and beyond that the jeans, having an actual nice *kitten* in a pair of jeans I love....not feeling like I have to hide myself in baggy sweatshirts, etc.....
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm disgusted with being fat and I don't want to die prematurely. I'm only 33 and have developed fat on my liver. NOT GOOD. I'm at the point now that I HAVE TO get rid of the extra poundage, plus my step-daughter and her husband are giving me a grandson in November that I want to see grow up!