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What can I eat



  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Yeah, I'm not sure what your goal is here (lose, gain or maintain weight), but any nutrition plan shouldn't be about depriving yourself of snacks or "forbidden" foods. Just learn to eat a well-balanced diet and snacking is a part of that. Just look for healthier options.

    My goal is to lose a little bit and then maintain that weight, I finally introduced myself, ok then thanks for the advice. :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Fruit, vegetables, whole grains.

    Going over on protein isn't too bad if it's just a few grams but over by a lot frequently isn't good. Too much protein is very hard on the kidneys.

    But keep in mind that MFP sets protein levels extremely low to begin with. Going over on MFP means that you only went higher than 15% of your total...mine is currently set at 30% because I need my protein! I also have maintained 40-50% protein for about a month or so with no ill effects on the kidneys.

    Going over the measly 15% alloted by MFP isn't going to hurt the kidneys.
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    Before I started my diet today, I actually went to the doctor, and he told me that a lot of my problem is not consuming enough calories. Can that be true? I am not really sure, and maybe it is the Fibromyalgia meds I am on, but he said that I need to eat to lose weight. Why is it that when I started eating 1000 calories or less, I do nothing but gain weight. I am hoping that this eating 1500 calories a day that my doctor told me to eat will actually make me lose weight. He said that the extra calories broken into small meals will get my metabolism going

    if you consume too few calories, your body kicks in a response that holds onto everything you do eat, making it much harder to lose weight! a good rule of thumb is to not eat below 1200 net calories a day. my MFP is set to 1230 (i updated it with new weight info, it used to be 1310 which was awesome), but i often go 100 or 150 calories over because i don't want to kick in the stress response.