Need help getting started :(

I've tried to lose weight in the past but I never seemed to be able to.
I'm 18 years old, I got pregnant (now 2 1/2 months post) and gained 50lbs. I lost 25lbs after my daughter was born but the other 25lbs doesn't seem to be going away. I really don't want to buy a new wardrobe as I'm trying to save money.

I'm 5'1 and 150lbs. I want to get back down to 115lbs but I'll be fine if I'm pre-pregnancy weight again which is 125lbs.
I do not exercise much at all so for my exercise level I put secondary. (I do spend most of the day sitting). The site recommends that I eat 1250 calories a day to lose 1lb a week. I want to start exercising but I need at home exercises.

Can someone help me :(? I don't know what exercises are good to do in the house and how long I need to exercise or how many days a week. Also, I'm unsure what to eat!
