Does anyone else feel so guilty....

PussyKat Posts: 69 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss having one slip-up? Basically, a couple of my friends are visiting me at uni this week, and I knew that last night we'd be going out for a meal. So I prepared as much as I could....ate lightly throughout the day, did plenty of exercise (an hour of vigorous swimming and quite a bit of walking), checked out possible places to go where I could order healthily.
And I did, to some extent; I had a clear Thai spicy veggie soup for a starter, stir-fried chicken and vegetables and steamed rice for a main course...and then blew it all with a bottle of wine and a belgian waffle with chocolate ice cream for dessert.

And I'm being stupid, I KNOW it's not that bad, and for the past 7 weeks I've been really careful about diet/exercise and lost 11 more pounds, and the closest thing to an indulgence I've had is an extra apple or yoghurt after dinner. And I can always go easy on eating over the next few days to make up for it. But I feel awful, and keep thinking about it, it kept me awake for ages last night. Is it normal to feel this guilty?


  • I don't think it's normal to feel guilty. It's a slip up. Pobody's Nerfect.
    You shouldn't feel condemned for eating something bad in 7 weeks. 7 WEEKS! I find it hard enough going 7 days!

    I have a friend, she's trying to lose 12kgs (20lbs or there abouts). She eats chocolate EVERY NIGHT and she goes out for a drink. She used to drink a bottle of wine every Friday night. I don't know if she's stopped that or not. But. She still eats chocolate and carbs, everything in moderation.

    The killer waffle won't really kill you. :)
  • Well if I were you I'd pat myself on the back... look at what you have achieved!! And it sounds to me like you were very disciplined. So you enjoyed some wine with friends... so what?... Life is for living!! You really must allow yourself a little social treat once in a while to recharge your batteries, otherwise it will feel like you are on a constant treadmill. The important thing is you were concious of the pitfall and I've no doubt are back on track already.

    I applaud you sweety, you are a great inspiration! Well done you! xx
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I don't think you should feel guilty! You had a night out with friends ! Relaxed enjoyed your self, i go on the 80/20 rule as long as im eatting healthy and exersising , which you are ! 1 night off every now and then is not the end of the world :smile:

    Its about life style not a "diet"

    good luck and take care! oh and drink plenty of water and dont go near the scales for a day or two!

    be good 80% of the time and you can treat yourself the rest of the time !
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Of course you're allowed to slip up! As long as you don't do it every night then there's no problem in indulging once in a while with your friends! I've been doing this for coming up to 8 weeks now and i've been over my calories about 3 or 4 times. As long as you're sensible the majority of the time and you're losing the weight and seeing results, I don't think you should feel guilty at all!
    Don't worry, I feel guilty going over calories too but i'm still losing the weight and that's the whole point of this
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    If I go out and end up eating more than I had initially planned, I just try and remember how much I would have eaten *before* I started trying to eat healthy and be fit.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    I feel this is a life style change not a diet. That means you need to be aware of your intake, but sometimes just enjoy life, friends and food. I think you are doing wonderfully! Keep it up! Guilt trips get you know where but depressed! :happy:
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    I generally don't feel guilty about occasionally going over my cals, exercise on the other hand ... if I miss a workout for no good reason and won't be able to make it up later in the week I feel soooo guilty.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Bless your heart. I think to a certain extent it is normal to feel guilty but you know this is a good thing. Hopefully this will keep you motivated to continue on your path. A little cheat every here and there isn't going to completely derail your efforts.
  • I did feel guilty the first time i over induldged and went over i havent done it since im always under my goal or just on it and if you do go over you can always work out to burn off your over indulgence so its ok. Think your probably feeling more of a let down than guilty really. because when i went over my goal i felt as if i had let myself down and the mfp community. but tomorrow is always a new day there is plenty to do to burn off what you feel guilty about. dont frett just keep working at it your obviously doing very well :)
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I definitely deal with the guilt issue and hate that I have not been able to let it go. That said, I do forgive myself for my indulgences and continue on my healthy eating lifestyle right away. I do let that go and march forward!!! You should too! Sounds like a lovely evening!
  • I hate guilt, but sometimes it motivates me. I had done really well by just writing everything I ate on this forum and I was down to 164 pounds, and then I stopped writing it down about 4 months ago, Here I am 20 pounds heavier, Now, all I really have to lose is 15 pounds, but I have learned to transform that guilt into positive action and let in motivate me, not paralyze me.
    This weight will come off. Don't quit before the miracle happens.
  • kcole83
    kcole83 Posts: 6 Member
    I had a similar situation last week as it was my Nan's Birthday and all the family went out for dinner together. There really was nothing that I felt was remotely healthy on the menu so I just went for it and had a start and a main meal. I made sure I enjoyed it at the time as I knew I would regret it the next day. Like others have said if you are being good 80% of the time we are all ALLOWED to 'treat' ourselves some of the time..... food is for enjoying and so is time with friends and family! As long as we go back to being good afterwards it really wont make a huge difference here and there! x
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Don't feel guilty; you certainly deserve one night to treat yourself after 7 weeks!! I build in an occasional treat, both as an incentive to maintain the routine for the bulk of the time and also to 'fool' my metabolism and kick start it if I have reached a plateau.

    You had a really great night, enjoy it for what it was and then go back to your routine. :laugh:
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I don't think you're feeling "guilty", I think you're realizing that everything you put in your body is that is actually a good thing, that you're feeling the consiquences of your actions.

    And yes, it is ok to enjoy every now and again, but it is the mentality that you screwed up, so forget about it that does everyone in.

    So congrats!
  • I know how you feeling because I was feeling the same way a couple of days ago. I really liked the one post that said to be proud of yourself because you are learning how the eat healthier and are aware of your caloric intake. Enjoy your friends and when you get home work extra hard. Have funl.
  • emott84
    emott84 Posts: 108
    Sometimes I feel guilty for that sort of thing, but I usually talk myself out of it by saying to myself that "I still have to have my life" and that sometimes it is more important to go out with friends and enjoy yourself without worrying about calories. But I understand.

    I went to the mall yesterday and ate some A&W (my first fast food since joining this nearly a month ago!) and was totally guilty/horrified to realize that I had eaten 1200 calories on a burger, onion rings and root beer. It so wasn't worth it!! I felt awful but I think I needed to realize that some foods aren't as awesome as I remember. And when I have A&W next - I will definitely NOT have the soda! So, I felt pretty bad about that until I went to the gym and clawed back some of those calories.

    Like someone said, I feel the worst when I've gotten lazy and not done any exercising (for no good reason!).
  • Do I think you SHOULD feel guilty? No.
    Do I feel guilty for the same type of thing? Yep.
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Of course you shouldn`t feel guilty.

    As others have said, its a lifestyle change and whatever you do needs to be sustainable, and there`s no way you can go the rest of your life without the odd treat.

    For example, there certainly wont be any entries in my diary on Christmas day :laugh: :drinker:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Of course you shouldn`t feel guilty.

    As others have said, its a lifestyle change and whatever you do needs to be sustainable, and there`s no way you can go the rest of your life without the odd treat.

    For example, there certainly wont be any entries in my diary on Christmas day :laugh: :drinker:

    Oh yes, I soooo agree!! :drinker: :drinker:

  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Eh, sometimes. Depends what I eat, but I always lose weight anyway. Just watch yourself. Don't do it a lot, but seriously, once in a while is FINE!
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