Thoughts on Keto?

Hello! I've just recently (after a couple days shopping around) decided to try a mostly Keto diet. Which is to say, high fat, relatively high protein, and really low carb. I've heard many people have had pretty great success with it, both weight-loss wise, and in terms of inner physiological health.

However, there is a good bit of backlash against Keto, since as a society we're still pretty anti-fat and pro whole grain.

What are your thoughts? Have any of you had success with Keto that you'd be willing to share? Have you tried Keto and hated it? Have you tried Keto and gained 1000 pounds? Have you tried Keto and loved it so much you'd marry it, if only it were legal/a sentient being?

Anyway. I just wanted to hear about people's experiences with Keto.

Any story/help is greatly appreciated! Thanks :D


  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    Been doing it for a few months now and love it. Started it because of a medical condition and this is the first thing that has helped me lose weight ever (am about to be 27 this weekend, first started dieting around 8...not a typo). For me this is a lifestyle change, not a diet - while I may not adhere to keto my entire life, I do see myself eating low carb forever. The keto community is very strong on all social media and everyone I've come across that actively lives it loves it.

    Please do some more research though before starting - it is low carb, high fat, moderate protein. "High protein" will knock you out of ketosis as your body will still produce glycogen from eating too much protein. Here is some recommended reading:


    ETA: The first thing it helped me with, even before weight loss, was terrible sleeping habits. Cured 4 years of awful insomnia in a week.
  • deathbyokapi
    deathbyokapi Posts: 38 Member

    Please do some more research though before starting - it is low carb, high fat, moderate protein. "High protein" will knock you out of ketosis as your body will still produce glycogen from eating too much protein. Here is some recommended reading:


    That's actually one of the first things I read! And yes, mostly that was poor wording choice on my part. I know actual high protein is detrimental. I also do some strength training though, so I try to keep my protein intake a little bit higher.

    And so far the reddit keto community has been pretty great!

    I'm glad to hear you enjoy keto so much, and that you've found success with it.

  • Hovercat
    Hovercat Posts: 43 Member
    I like it :) Getting to eat fried eggs and bacon without feeling guilty and actually losing weight feels pretty dang fantastic. I've lost my weight so far without any exercise. I highly recommend it!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Keto and a deficit helped me lose 30 lbs of weight that would not budge with high carbs and low fat. I find food is way more tastier this way. You will get the low-carb naysayers on here, so be prepared.
  • brista128
    brista128 Posts: 17 Member
    I love it. I've been steadily losing weight and don't feel deprived even though I'm eating at a deficit. This was not the case when I was doing the usual low-fat high-carb.
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    Keto / LCHF gave me a hunger control tool that I never had before. It's also helpful that the appx level of ketogenesis can be monitored at home by keto-strips urinalysis for cheap.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I've lost weight on low carb/keto before, but I attribute the weightloss to a calorie deficit that was a consequence of that diet. In other words, low carb to me worked like a crutch or gimmick, a formula to accomplish a deficit without feeling like that's what you're actually doing.

    The reason it didn't end up being successful for me was because the idea of eating eggs and bacon and whatnot, while exciting at first, soon became nauseating. The very sight of any protein made me feel ill.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    Keto and low carb is a great way to lose weight, but you need to be prepared to adopt it in the long term. A lot of people go back to carbs after they lose weight and then have trouble maintaining a calorie deficit. If you can't bear the idea of a life without bread, you may want to consider something else.
  • Hovercat
    Hovercat Posts: 43 Member
    That's the same for every diet out there though. I've heard so many times "be careful, or you're going to gain that back!" Mostly from people with failed Weight Watchers attempts, and failed low fat diets. If you go back to old habits, of course the weight is going to creep up again. I've failed myself, 3 different times in the last decade not being careful so it does have to be a life change. Every diet needs a deficit to work and keto is helpful to lessen cravings and keep you satisfied.

    I've noticed my sense of taste has changed. The stuff I used to love tastes awful now. Terry's chocolate oranges! Way too sweet. Won't be sad if I never have another slice again. I don't even bother with "cheat meals" because I know it's not going to taste the same as I remember. Plus hearing stories of people regretting it have scared me off. Apparently the digestive system does not take cheating very lightly! But I've been able to replace those old loves with new ones. Like fried brussels sprouts covered in cheese, bacon fried cabbage, parmesan chicken wings, pork rind jalapeno poppers and 85% dark chocolate. My favourite dessert is taking some heavy whipping cream and some cream cheese and whipping that up with some cinnamon, no sugar caramel syrup and English Toffee stevia. I don't even know what to call that, other than freakin delicious.

    Also pinterest is awesome for new food ideas. It doesn't have to be all about bacon and eggs. Some are awful (I'm looking at you Mexican Hot Chocolate cookies) but it's fun to experiment anyways :)

    ANYWHOSIES, give it a try for a month and see how you feel. It was scary to me at first (carbs are in everything!!) but I did it, and I'm still going strong 8 months later. I think this is the longest I've ever stuck to anything and it's the most weight I've ever lost in one go!
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    Tried a keto like diet once but could never get past the brainfog and lack of energy from the ultra-low carbs. For me something like: 40/40/20 p/c/f is perfect, falling back to 30/50/20 during maintenance. Ultra-Low carbs is great for hitting that "last 10 lbs" on a really strict cut, but it kinda sucks as a lifestyle choice in my opinion.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
    I love eating LCHF you stay full all day with energy great Lifestyle.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Tried a keto like diet once but could never get past the brainfog and lack of energy from the ultra-low carbs. For me something like: 40/40/20 p/c/f is perfect, falling back to 30/50/20 during maintenance. Ultra-Low carbs is great for hitting that "last 10 lbs" on a really strict cut, but it kinda sucks as a lifestyle choice in my opinion.
    How long did you try it? The energy/brain fog thing goes away pretty fast once you are adapted to it. I've been doing it for almost a year now and feel great.
  • mmickk67
    mmickk67 Posts: 8 Member
    The biggest thing I noticed with this diet after cutting out bread was my skin. even though I'm not on this diet anymore I will only have bread as a treat once every few months. Even a small amount plays havoc with my skin. After reading this reminds me how healthy I was but restricted to eating at home. Think I might give it ago again thanks for the web link.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    It's definitely not for everyone, but I have PCOS and it's done wonders for me. A lot of people find that LCHF helps them control their hunger a bit better, which helps them maintain a deficit. However, if you're the type of person that doesn't like feeling restricted, this might not be the way for you.

    Make sure to read about what you're doing before you do it. Also, adding a bunch of keto friends on here will help you out if you get confused about something in the future. Most people are quite friendly.
  • abrimager
    abrimager Posts: 1 Member
    Keto has been the only thing that has worked for me! I discovered I am very sensitive to carbs/sugar dips and spikes so this way of eating really rocked my world. I could barely drop a few ounces a week counting calories and I was always hungry. Now I count calories easily because I am full and am consistently going down about 2 pounds a week on most weeks. It has healed some general medical issues as well and like the person below stated: my skin! Omg my skin! lol It finally looks great!

    Follow a WELL FORMULATED ketogenic diet. To get over the initial brain fog and grossness I suggest drinking a TON of water and taking potassium and magnesium supplements. Since a keto diet makes your flush out electrolytes like a maniac replacing magnesium and potassium is essential, especially at first.

    Check out Maria Emmerich's work/books and her recommendations. When I first tried keto I didn't think about a well formulated approach and I had constant heartburn and lower GI issues but when I adjusted my eating and supplements the second time around it was magical. Good luck!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I've heard very low carb diets such as Atkins prevent your brain from making serotonin which can cause a form of depression (know as the Atkins mood).

    Just something to watch for. I know nothing about Keto and if you're interested, I say give it a shot if it helps you.
  • Rainboots80
    Rainboots80 Posts: 218 Member
    I started low carb in January and I have never felt better.
  • underpsi01
    underpsi01 Posts: 14
    For me I think it's the prepping your food ahead of time. Example: crockpots,fat bombs, nuts that are high in fat, pork rinds. Prepping your meat for a week is useful and it's harder for me to say I wasn't prepared if I have something for a easy grab. I've also noticed that my kids have been enjoying having prepped meals for after school . I you tube and do slot of research so my thoughts are always on my goal. Good luck to u :happy:
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I am considering trying something like this, but when u say Low Carb, how low are we talking about? what % macros do you use?

    trying to play around with my macros as the moment and work out the best ratio
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Honestly I gave low-carb (Ketosis) a legitimate try recently.

    I spent about 6 weeks at under 20 net carbs a day.

    I was tired, sluggish (that energy boost everyone else gets, didn't happen), foggy minded, weak, constantly hungry, famished, hangry and emotional the entire time.

    It was miserable.

    And, I got sick, truly sick, and missed two days of work, for the first time in years.

    20 net carbs is not enough for me to take in the fruit and veg level my body thrives on.

    I've seen it do "miracles" for others, but my body doesn't jive with it's chemistry.

    I went back to normal Paleo (which is still pretty low carb) but I've been really enjoying bananas, mangos, and sushi!

    I love not caring less if I go over 20 carbs and my keto stick is clear than I feel sluggish for days because I just couldn't live without another serving of veg. That's kind of like intentionally dieting yourself into sickness.

    Good luck!

    Do what works for you.

    PS I lost 0 weight in keto. I truly believe what I did lose was water weight because I started in the 180's, ended in the 180's, and I'm still in the 180's. Lots of suffering for 0 progress.