eating 3500- 5000 calories per day, fat or retention?



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If your intake has been at this level for a couple of weeks already then there is no need to worry about refeeding syndrome.
    It is completely normal to need 5000 or more calories a day in recovery (this is due to hypermetabolism) and yes, in the first few weeks you will retain a LOT of water as your body stores it to start repairing the cellular damage.
    Don't worry about 'flub'. You will need to gain both fat and muscle and it is best to think about it as little as possible and concentrate on rebuilding your life.

    This exactly! Water retention is crucial at this point as your body begins to repair, and will normalize eventually. I just wanted to add that you are also repairing organ damage.

    Congratulations to you on your decision to be good to your body!
  • neversummer7
    If your intake has been at this level for a couple of weeks already then there is no need to worry about refeeding syndrome.
    It is completely normal to need 5000 or more calories a day in recovery (this is due to hypermetabolism) and yes, in the first few weeks you will retain a LOT of water as your body stores it to start repairing the cellular damage.
    Don't worry about 'flub'. You will need to gain both fat and muscle and it is best to think about it as little as possible and concentrate on rebuilding your life.

    +1!! And kudos to you for choosing to be healthy again :) That's awesome!

    You have so many things to look forward to. You only get ONE life, live it, don't just simply exist. There is so much good to be excited about, so try to focus on positive aspects & the people in your life rather than your body and being "perfect" - there's no such thing. I struggled with this several years ago while I was in college and some good resources are and the blog thef u c k (just remove the spaces...MFP will not let me post a curse word, ha!)

    Best of luck and don't let the fear of weight gain deter you from a fulfilling life.
    Thank you both so much for your support! Also I tend to forget that we all only have one body and I abused it with restricting it too much for too long. I want to enjoy my life again without worrying about foods and calories :)
  • neversummer7
    If your intake has been at this level for a couple of weeks already then there is no need to worry about refeeding syndrome.
    It is completely normal to need 5000 or more calories a day in recovery (this is due to hypermetabolism) and yes, in the first few weeks you will retain a LOT of water as your body stores it to start repairing the cellular damage.
    Don't worry about 'flub'. You will need to gain both fat and muscle and it is best to think about it as little as possible and concentrate on rebuilding your life.

    This exactly! Water retention is crucial at this point as your body begins to repair, and will normalize eventually. I just wanted to add that you are also repairing organ damage.

    Congratulations to you on your decision to be good to your body!

    Thank you so much! If I have such a high calorie intake and with the body repairing itself does that mean my weight gain will come quickly or will it be gradual? Like 2 pounds a week gradual lol
  • starcollapsing
    starcollapsing Posts: 57 Member
    it might seem quick to start with, whilst a lot of it is water, but it will probably end up going slower than you think. Higher calories = more & quicker repair to your body, including speeding up your metabolism.
  • neversummer7
    it might seem quick to start with, whilst a lot of it is water, but it will probably end up going slower than you think. Higher calories = more & quicker repair to your body, including speeding up your metabolism.
    How is the metabolism sped up? I figured if anything it would slow it down lok
  • neversummer7
    I weighed myself this evening and am now at 105?? Is this real weight gain or mainly fluids and only a couple of pounds of real weight gain??
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well I'm no doctor but wasn't increasing your body fat the point of this whole exercise? If you feel flabby I suggest that you do some lifting that will firm you up. However please do realize that your apparent need to not see any fat on your body at all is obsessive, destructive and part of your condition. That being said re-feed syndrome does appear to be an issue but not thankfully one you seem to be experiencing.
  • alibee81
    alibee81 Posts: 62
    Good luck with your recovery, hope you feel good and healthy soon, don't worry about anything else :)
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    As someone recovering from an ed my self I can tell you it probably is not actual fat build up. It is most likely just water weight and the eating disorder telling you it's fat. Remember you are suppose to be gaining and once you are at a healthier weight talk to your doctor about adding in weight training 1-2 times a week.

    I've been there so I know how you feel. If you need support feel free to add me:) Just send a message with it .ha

    Good luck hun<3

    Just wanted to say you look so much healthier now with a bit of weight on. Congrats on getting your ED under control.