
I reached the date for my first goal - to get into a dress for works party - yay, didnt reach my goal weight but im not too worried, it'll come soon enough.
anyway, in the works party i got slightly worse for ware :( there was a lot of wine.
Long story short I hit my head and now have the biggest lump on the back of my head which is making me dizzy and hungry.
the party was saturday - sunday i had a hangover so couldnt stomach any food. But monday - no hangover but about 18 hours sleep. Then spicy chicken wings, then a big mac meal with a full fat coke, then a massive bag of crisps and dips.
Now i've woken up this morning and I feel terrible. My stomach is making the worst noises and feels totally unpleasent and not good. It feels empty but its looking full of food. Still have the dizzy from my head and still feel really hungry.
Im so confused and i have so much to do today but feel so lazy :(


  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,630 Member
    Just pick yourself up and remember today is a new day! Mistakes that are learned from are life lessons, not mistakes. Lots of water, dance for at least 20 minutes and get back on track! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    Take care of yourself. Have you been to see a Dr to make sure you don't have a concussion? If you're still dizzy it's quite possible you do.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Drink lots of water and eat lots of vegetables today. Also, make yourself exercise even if it's just taking a walk. One weekend isn't going to derail everything but you have to get right back to business.
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    I totally understand all of that except - why the full fat coke??? :)
    That one is really easy to avoid.

    Anyway, as the others said, just start again. Having a bad day once in a while shouldn't really make too much of an impact.

    And congratulations on that new dress!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I agree about the concussion! You should get it checked out!

    We all fall off sometimes but the important thing is to get back on! You can't undo that but you can continue.
