


  • sorcha1977
    sorcha1977 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi, what is the carb content in a boost? This is a real good idea.

    A 6-ounce bottle of Boost "Glucose Control" has 190 calories, 16g of carbs, 3g fiber, and 16g of protein.
  • mpuente12
    mpuente12 Posts: 3 Member
    My favorite breakfasts are
    Plain greek yogurt with chopped berries, honey, cinnamon, and a sprinkle of granola or Grape Nuts.
    100 Calorie English muffin sandwiching a scrambled egg and 1/2 and avocado, mashed.
    Veggies and salsa omelets.
  • momsfavoritechild
    momsfavoritechild Posts: 48 Member
    I have never been one to eat first thing in the morning either. In fact, the thought of eating upon rising is ill feeling to me. The only times I've ever been able or felt the need to eat early was when I was with child.

    I eat when I get hungry. On workdays it's a bit earlier, usually 9ish. On the weekend it varies can be 9-10. If I have plans and know I'm limited with the ability to eat late I plan for it and have some sort of snack that I would consider as my breakfast food.

    I'm kind of odd about what I like to eat first thing in the morning, or what I consider as my breakfast. I cannot typically eat something sweet. Protien and fruit based.

    I often boil eggs for grab and go. I make ahead eggs mixed with veggies/meat that I can cook at work. OR do some sort of prepared snack/healthy option. Protien meals/snacks hold me over for whatever time I eat lunch. Sometimes I prepare oatmeal, but lately been avoiding too many carbs.
    Here's a couple of places to check out if you like oatmeal. You can prepare it ahead of time