Back Again, For The Umpteenth Time

Hi! My name is Tony. I am a Navy retiree, and about to begin my new adventure as an elementary school teacher (my standard line is that I'm going to be an elementary school teacher because I'm not mature enough for high school!) I live in Hawaii, and am happily married with four wonderful children - two of whom are teenagers. I know everybody says this, but my children are awesome!

I need to lose about 100 pounds. I am not the type to live in the gym, although I do find myself there more and more! I like to go out and walk (can't run anymore, knees are in bad shape).

I've tried MFP on and off for awhile now; I am going to stick with it this time and am looking for friends to encourage and to be encouraged by.

God bless you and yours; I hope to see some of you soon!


  • Hey Tony!

    My Dad is retired Army so I know all about the military lifestyle and I think your standard line is cute and funny. We have around the same amount of weight to lose and I'd be happy to have more male friends on MFP. Thanks for requesting me!
  • jdawgs0314
    jdawgs0314 Posts: 34
    hello Tony. welcome back. i am on here daily and am only 3 weeks into my journey also needing to loose 100 lbs. feel free to add me. we can motivate each other.

    oh yeah and good luck with the elemntary sc hool teaching. i have a middle schooler and a daughter going into the 3rd grade.

    feel free to add me.