


  • tsunami2
    Hmm, I burn 200cal/10 minutes based on the elliptical readout.
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    The elliptical I use asks my weight and age so I trust it. MFP doesn't know what level of resistance you were using or how fast you were going. I go anywhere from 3-8 MPH on the elliptical. I do a cross training program so it varies throughout my workout how fast I am going.
  • takirb
    takirb Posts: 14 Member
    I know i'm late on this topic by like a month, but i just started MFP a week ago or so. I use an elliptical at the gym 3 days a week (4 if i'm up early enough on Saturdays lol). Each gym visit, i run 45-48 min on the elliptical and it's workout summary shows:

    6.00+ miles (i always strive for 6 miles)
    45-48 min
    570-600 calories burned
    Avg heart rate is usually around 170-180

    Depending on which model elliptical i use, i get different readouts. The smaller ones tend to show more calories burned (i think the stride is shorter too), but i feel the workout is a bit easier on them. They all ask for my weight and age. I set the level to "Fat Burn" and leave it be, and very rarely do i feel resistance when i'm really into the workout. I always stay above 6mph, and sometimes hit 9mph when i'm singing along to a fast song ;)

    Anywho, MFP shows i burn like 711+ calories in that time, the website provided in this thread (http://www.braydenwm.com/calburn.htm) shows i burn 924.45 in that time, yet the machine itself is always between 550-600. Should i just go with what the machine tells me since it's the lowest figure (which according to some posts is opposite of what others are seeing), or purchase a HRM for better results? I told my wife she could get me a HRM for Christmas, and she asked what difference it would make since the machines have them built-in at the gym. Any input would be appreciated.