
I had been doing sooo good. I had been following my diet, trying to eat enough food and drink enough water. Then yesterday I got frustrated with my job and I binged. I am so disappointed. Grrrrr:cry:


  • princessjenn1804
    princessjenn1804 Posts: 33 Member
    I had been doing sooo good. I had been following my diet, trying to eat enough food and drink enough water. Then yesterday I got frustrated with my job and I binged. I am so disappointed. Grrrrr:cry:
  • Steffykins
    Steffykins Posts: 176
    Don't worry, tomorrow is a new day. Don't let one slip up ruin your whole plan! Maybe you could do some exercise to try to burn some off? Plus a long walk always makes me feel better about things.
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    We've all been there and done that. Tomorrow is a new day! Grip that day and go right on.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Take a deep breath. It happens. Today is a new day and you can get back on track. One of the ways that can help is if you do have a day where you binge take a walk or run instead or afterwards whichever the case might be. In the end we all know that eating our feelings, though it may seem like it is making us feel better really doesn't. The good thing is that it is not the end of the world and you can bick up and go on. Recognizing it is half the battle.

    You can do this.

    Have you ever tried writing your feelings down before you ate? I wonder if that might help.
  • Wholebodyhealth
    That's the problem with diets - they don't work. You need to look at your eating as a life style and begin to incorporate new and healthy foods as a permanent way of eating. Never look at anything as 100% it puts you up for failure. Think of life - including your food the 80/20 way. 80% of the time you do good and 20% of the time you may slip up. It's ok, no one is perfect. Just tell yourself that you did your 20% and go to the next day. Tomorrow - don't look at it as 100% - all or nothing - Look at it as when are you going to allow yourself the 20% - when, with what type of food and with whom. This puts you in control and also gives you a chance to be human.
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Heya Princessjenn (I :heart: your name btw lol)!

    It happens to us all, and most dieticians believe it is a good thing to allow yourself a slip up from time to time. In fact, eating a little more, or eating something not *quite* healthy seems to help my losses from time to time. It actually helps to shock your system with variation. So, see, you may have actually done your body some good! (You meant to do that right? :wink: :laugh: )

  • BigCityKittyz
    BigCityKittyz Posts: 378
    Don't let that "binge" bring you down! It's over....done now focus on something GOOD for yourself. Go get a pedicure/ manicure.....soak in the tub with fragranced water or candles to de-stress and re-focus. Call an old friend you haven't talked to in a while and catch up!

    And a long walk with your FAVE feel-good music blasting on the IPOD is a sure pick me up! Get's the natural seratonin flowing...(Our feel good chemical)

    And no the others.....been there...done that....regretted it....FIXED it!:wink:
  • princessjenn1804
    princessjenn1804 Posts: 33 Member
    Heya Princessjenn (I :heart: your name btw lol)!

    It happens to us all, and most dieticians believe it is a good thing to allow yourself a slip up from time to time. In fact, eating a little more, or eating something not *quite* healthy seems to help my losses from time to time. It actually helps to shock your system with variation. So, see, you may have actually done your body some good! (You meant to do that right? :wink: :laugh: )


    Oh ya, I totally meant to! And thank you for loving my name hehehe My friends all make fun of me because I am a 22 year old girl obsessed with pink and being a princess. Oh well lol
  • princessjenn1804
    princessjenn1804 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you, that was really helpful actually. I think I will try to start thinking of it that way and maybe writing down my feelings like someone else suggested.