Glasses or contacts



  • runnergirl0721
    runnergirl0721 Posts: 2,289 Member
    <--glasses for this girl
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    <--glasses for this girl

    would bang. oh sorry, wrong thread
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Glasses are cute but hate them when exercising, swimming or moving around a lot. They seem to move around too much even though they are properly fitted
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I prefer contacts... I think I see things clearer with them... but I am super blind...

    New glasses for me are all weird. Like why are the walls curved and the ground closer? lol Contacts don't do that to me though
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    I wear glasses 95% of the time. I like to wear contacts when the weather is nice - so I can wear non Rx sunglasses that aren't so heavy as my Rx ones - or if I'm running, or sometimes when going out. I originally started wearing lenses for going to theme parks, so I could see on the roller coasters without the risk of losing my glasses! I even have some 'beauty' contact lenses to make my eyes sparkle and shimmer!
    You shouldn't wear contact lenses for too many hours a day - your optometrist would recommend a certain wearing time (mine is around 12 hours) - as your eyes need oxygen and contacts do restrict the amount of oxygen to your eye. If you do wear contact lenses too many hours a day for a long period of time, you could potentially get something called corneal neovascularization - what this means is that because the eye wants oxygen, the blood vessels 'grow' into your eye after oxygen, and can cover your cornea, effecting your vision, to potential blindness.
    You also shouldn't sleep in lenses (unless you wear some 24 hour lenses, which I wouldn't recommend, again for comfort and health reasons) or swim/shower - there are amoebae in water called acanthamoeba which can effectively swim between your lens and your eye and can cause all manner of problems like severe pain, inflammation of the cornea, and possibly blindness!
    Daily contact lenses are probably the best for the health of the eye as you wear them for one day then throw them out - no cleaning or storing necessary. If you want to wear contacts every day, the reusables are generally cheaper, but they do require a good cleaning each time you take them out, and over the week/two weeks/month that you wear them, they can sometimes become uncomfortable.
    Some contact lens manufacturers make their lenses with a UV protective property - Acuvue do this with all their lenses, Bausch and Lomb and Sauflon do this with some - and this is a brilliant thing to have, as it helps protect the eyes against harmful UV light even when it's not sunny. Do be aware that they aren't a replacement for sunglasses, as they don't cover all of the eye.
    Some people have said that if it's only a small prescription, glasses are better. This isn't the case - you can get lenses in very small Rx's nowadays, and they work in vision correction just as well as glasses - maybe even better, as you don't have the problem of only a certain area correcting your vision, as opposed to glasses where the vision correction is only where the lenses sit in front of your eyes.
    Please, please, please do not order lenses online without seeing an optometrist first and being given a final specification. If you don't do this, there is a chance you will order the wrong prescription so you won't see clearly, or you order a lens that doesn't fit your eye correctly (different contact lenses come in different sizes, and believe it or not, 0.1mm can make a hell of a lot of difference to comfort!) and your optometrist or a member of staff in the opticians should teach you how to safely insert and remove the lenses. You don't want to get them stuck!
    Finally, if you do wear contacts and decide to wear them full time, you will still need glasses. This would be for when you take them out in the evening, or if you have an eye infection, or if you run out of contacts - you don't want to be walking around blurry!
    This isn't meant to be a scare post! I just wanted to make sure you are aware of the small but important risks of contact lens wear. I work in an opticians, and we get a lot of bad contact lens patients, who overwear their lenses, or wear them over their 'shelf life' eg wearing a daily disposable contact lens for a week, or who wear them even though they have an eye infection. As long as you are sensible with your lenses, and follow the guidelines set by your optometrist, and visit them regularly to have the lenses checked out, you should be fine!

    A final point, if you don't need a prescription but want to try those fun coloured contact lenses you can buy, don't! Although they are classed as a medical device despite not having a prescription, they can be freely bought online or in shops without having them fitted and checked by a professional. This can cause problems with comfort, health, removal, and potential ocular issues too. I won't even go into the risks of scleral lenses - just don't do it!
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    Too many reasons I don't mess with
    contacts these days. Besides, glasses
    can be sexy! :smile:
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member