Lng road ahead of me - looking for friends/support!

Hi everyone! :)

I've only been eating right/exercising for a week now so I'm totally new to the game. Any pointers and help is more than welcome.

I think I was born overweight haha. I have the world's worst diet full of junk food/takeaways and I'm the laziest person ever to boot. I also smoke, although I've cut down a lot, I'm hoping to stop altogether. I want to change all of this and turn my life around. I'm not that bothered about weight to be honest, I know I need to lose it to become healthy, but I'm setting out to become a healthy person, not a skinny one. I don't know if that makes any sense! Being happy & healthy is the only target I really have :)

Things got worse when I was in an accident and broke both of my knees. I ended up being in a wheelchair/unable to walk for a long time and I gained SO much weight. Exercise is still a bit tough for me, but I'm starting my just getting out for walks 3 times a week, and I hope I can build on this with time. A lot of bad things have happened to me in the past 2 years too and I'm the worst for emotional eating. I'm hoping to change this habit too!

Anyway it would be nice to meet some new people and make some friends. Please feel free to add me :)


  • sarahd108
    sarahd108 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi and welcome! I was close to the same place as you not so long ago. Add me if you like, get ideas through diary etc. The message boards are a great place for support and ideas.

    It can be rough to start, but is so worth it! I smoke as well, (have also cut back), and am now jogging 4-5k couple times/week. Nothing we can't accomplish if we put our minds in the right zone.
  • daychasingnight
    daychasingnight Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Sarah!

    Thank you for your reply! It's great to know that other people have/are going through the same thing. Strength in numbers and all that. Great to hear you're cutting back on smoking, I'm struggling with it, as I usually use food as my coping mechanisim, and smoking as my second - now I'm taking away both!

    I'll add you now. :bigsmile:
  • Suznd75
    Suznd75 Posts: 37
    Hey there! I have lost 70lbs since December.

    I love motivating and sharing info.

    Take a look at my profile and feel free to add me :)
