Return to health--Looking for inspiring friends!

Qteejay Posts: 7 Member


I am just getting back into the swing of things here on MFP. I was a fairly consistent member for about two years, however, it has been nearly 15 months since I have logged on. I have maintained a semi-consistent work out schedule over this time including boot camp, home exercise (incl jump roping), dance classes, walking, etc. I have noticed that as I am nearing the 40 year mark, my efforts are not as obvious as they were before. Recently, I recollected on how motivated I was when I logged more and how I held myself accountable to my food choices and fitness goals. The measurable effect is tangible and the rewards were worth giving it another shot. Upon logging in after 15 months, I still have a handful of friends that are active and committed. I am grateful for their dedications and hope it may influence me a bit.
I am a mother of three, a student in a demanding dental medicine program and sit a lot recently to read, study and get through the course loads. I feel that if I can find time to Facebook, I can find time to MFP with greater rewards.

Please feel free to friend me and lets get this health craze started! :drinker:
